The World of JE from the n00b POV, Part 3: JE's Summary 2004 overview - Boys in Flight!

Jun 19, 2006 14:17

TEMPORARY NOTE: Now that I have a HQ source for Summary 2004 I will be replacing the screencaps in this post as soon as I can. This note will disappear once the updates are complete (2007.03.21).

Summary of Johnny's World is a musical showcase of all of the major elements of JE. The song "Summary" performed by KAT-TUN, NEWS, and other JE groups toward the beginning of the show is a great example; this features all the requisite JE elements - boys of all ages in outlandish costumes (which include dress or skirt features!), rollerskates, gymnastics and other acrobatics...and flying! Picspam below or download video of this performance: Summary (intro)video clip

So Johnny likes to dress the boys in kimonos to celebrate Japanese tradition...

(L-R) Yamashita Tomohisa (Yamapi) and Kame

KAT-TUN enters in the enormous feathered and fur-accented red costumes - my eyes!

Jin shows off the feather in his cap (gods, his outfit is just...hmmm)

And then Johnny makes them fly!

That's Yamapi of NEWS in blue and Jin of KAT-TUN in red in the front.

Stage fighting seems a requisite for the younger JE productions. Here they fight with sticks, but sometimes, as we see later in Summary and also in the Kaizokuban show, they just have a plain jane fist fight brawl.

And then Johnny makes Ueda and Yamapi fly (again)!

Fly, boys!

Later in the show...

Johnny wants Jin to descend from the heavens and perform suspended on a rope and surrounded by boys with flags. I suppose if I understood Japanese I would know why they are holding national flags from around the world. Since I don't, I can only wonder what happens if these boys are afraid of heights?

And then Yamapi wears another...interesting costume. It's better than the oversized shiny blue nightgown he was wearing during the intro, I suppose.

Guitarists aren't spared the flamboyant JE costuming...

Now this outfit...I can tolerate helps that Yamapi looks rather adorable here.

Not bad. Sure, it's gold and kinda shiny, but at least there are no feathers and fur!

Andalucia ni Akogarete

My favorite performance of Summary 2004 is Andalucia ni Akogarete - it's a classic cover that the KAT-TUN boys perform with style in red suits (they look kinda like pimps), dancing with a rose, to this spanish-tinged tune. The crappy caps I took don't do it justice, so here are a few downloads for you: .mp3 live rip; Video clip: SS | MU (this video clip is courtesy of JPB)

Jin makes his sultry entrance

Kame makes his snappy entrance as the tempo picks up


Send in the...acrobats!

Half-naked J-boys perform acrobatics from ropes!

Even Kame of KAT-TUN gets a piece of the rope acrobatics action! He goes up a few times, but I think this is the last time he flies.

The Fight

So Johnny makes KAT-TUN and NEWS fight each other. NEWS comes out clad in zebraish prints while the KAT-TUN boys wear spotted leopard-print outfits and they "fight" West Side Story-style dance-fighting as well as more obvious stage-fighting, and they alternate performing short snippets of songs in a kind of "sing-off" to go along with the "dance-off." Heh.

LOVE Jin's snarl!

Yamapi tries to look dangerous.

"Summary" - Reprise

The finale is fairly spectactular, so once again, I offer a picspam and the performance video clip: SS | MU. While ludicrous, the flying boys are so cool!

While it isn't a rip of the Summary performance, here is a version of "Summary" performed by News & KAT-TUN on Shounen Club, 12 Dec. 2004. SS

Yamapi talks, which leads into the reprise of "Summary."

Twelve young men launch into the air, whee! (six members of NEWS and six members of KAT-TUN)

Around and around and around they go...

Koki & Jin of KAT-TUN back on solid ground.


More KAT-TUN boys - check out Jin's skirt.


I actually like Jin's cap.

From the Encore:


yamashita tomohisa, je, j-boys, picspam: news, akanishi jin, picspam: kat-tun, kat-tun, picspam: summary 2004, kamenashi kazuya, picspam, summary 2004, j-pop

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