
Jun 21, 2008 16:58

I was reading something in living_d_s about keeping motivated for certain things (the topic in question was daily journaling for a Master) and one of the posters, who had an otherwise very interesting response, also brought up Chorewars. I'd heard about it before, thought vaguely about starting an account, but knew Kade would not want to play that with me so I set that aside. I got to thinking about it this time, though, and since I always need a little push of motivation, even if it's just silly and random, I figured I'd give it a shot. The neat thing about it is you can make an 'adventure' (or the chore you're doing) for anything, so I've included in it All of the self improvement stuff I do, working out, meditating, worship, my little daily tarot readings, because I am a complete and utter dork. I definitely consider this something like Flylady for easily amused people who are gamer nerds...I'm easily motivated by clickies. So I've been adding stuff like that, and adding 'items' that I may get for completing certain tasks, little treats for myself, that I can then use as a voucher at any time I choose. As an example;
Training of the Body +2

  • between 1 and 25 gold pieces
  • 15% chance of stackable treasure (iTunes song,cupcake,brownie,candybar,cookie,milkshake,mocha frap,cheap book,get out of workout free card)
  • 50% chance of a wandering monster (rat,Kirov the monster dog,Sylvia the Unimpressed Kitty,dragon,troll,band geek,lolcat,lolcopter)

20 minutes of Cardio, Upwards of 200 crunches, rotation on the weight machine, stretching.

The regular Training of the Body is without the rotation on the weight machine. The treasure is for if I want to treat myself sometime, because I can easily come up with an excuse on my own for chocolate, maybe if I have to Wait for something to pop up, or at least trick my mind into waiting, it'll help me curb that urge. There's only a 15% chance, so... The gold I'm figuring I'll use on real life treats for myself, perhaps something under $20 after I've worked up 500 gold, or under 50 after I've worked up 1000, depending on how fast the gold stacks up. You can both 'use' the items and 'spend' the money on the game so you can easily keep track of that, at first I was afraid it would just stack and you'd never be able to get rid of it. I've also made some fun ones, just because, my favorite being this;

100 XPThrashing of the Elusive Vidiah Game

  • 100% chance of stackable treasure (New Game Voucher)

You have finally managed to complete a Vidiah Game! Hoorjay for J00!
I know it's not a 'chore', but I don't care! Sometimes completing those things can Feel like it. I asked Kade if he wanted to play Chorewars with me on a whim, and to my utter shock, he said no. That's cool, I'll keep occupied with the clickies and gold hording alone. I do have invite codes though, if anyone wants to join my 'F'in Metal' party. Here's my character stats so far, I also uploaded it to my profile, naturally.

Speaking of new 'Vidiah Games', I just today got the extended edition of Persona 3, and I am LOVING IT so far. I'm about 2 and a half hours in, but seriously...How could I Not love a game in a modern setting, gothy with a whole suicide club feel, AND TAROT CARD REFERENCES? I ask you, how Could I not? The anime cutscenes are beautiful as well, and all of the voice acting has impressed me thus far. I can definitely understand how this got RPG of the year for 2007. The only thing that has annoyed me at the moment is one of the repeating songs that has a really bad rap in it. Seriously, Japan? Must we?

video games

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