Oct 29, 2007 11:02
I like waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window as much as the next guy...
But today, I woke up to a bird chirping in my fucking room. I spent the first 30 minutes of my day trying to figure out a way to catch the thing. 15 of those minutes were spent in a daze, wondering how it got into the house in the first place, let alone the basement (where the one window has a screen on the inside and the outside, and was shut overnight).
After another 15 minutes, it became quite clear that it wasn't buying into the trail of crackers leading into the laundry basket. So I closed the upstairs door, propped open the outside door, donned some "armor," grabbed a broom, and began chasing the damn thing around until it finally found its way outside. This phase took only about 5 minutes.
Now I'm enjoying my coffee again and watching my roommate's cats try to figure what all the excitement was about.
After some inspection, my guess is that it must have fallen into a pipe on the roof and fell down through said pipe towards the furnace, where one pipe fitting forms a conical structure linking into another one, leaving a gap around the base of the cone (and said gap allows the furnace to shoot air upstairs while also heating my room, I'd guess), which is about where I first noticed him. At first I thought I was dreaming, or maybe hallucinating from the large quantity of cheap alcohol I'd had the evening before. It would also explain why he was hanging around that area of the basement, stubbornly refusing to venture away until the broom made it clear that staying there meant getting sweep'd.
Back to studying.