Okay, lots to update on, but I'm going to try to avoid being too detailed because I'm tired and it's late and I have a lot to do.
We got one! It was the third one we put an offer on, and the owner countered and we accepted. We go in tomorrow to sign the paperwork and then it's time to hire an inspector. It's a really cute house, about 3-4 minutes from school/work, in a quiet little neighborhood on the end of a cul-de-sac. We have a big backyard with really pretty grass and a couple of nice mature trees, a privacy fence all the way around the back, pretty hedges and an adorable little walkway in the front yard, as well as a weeping cherry tree. The inside of the house has neutral walls (which we plan to paint because we want strong, rich colors in there) with a nice sized living room that has a plant ledge at the top, three bedrooms (one will be our office), two full baths, a big open space kitchen and dining nook. There's a deck with a swing in the back, and the master bedroom has a door onto the deck as well. We're all way excited, but also feeling a bit drained from the release of the waiting tension.
Of course, I'm also feeling quite drained from the rash of poor health I've had lately. I came down with a really bad cold/viral thing that's giving me a very deep hacking cough (exhausting), lots of chest and head congestion, absolutely no energy, and occassional headaches and nausea. I've also developed some really sore muscles from all the coughing, and my allergies have decided it's time to kick in so I'm sneezing my head off (think - 25-30 sneezes in about half an hour, and sometimes, they're closer). I'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I can't wait to get out of this apartment and into a better space because I can't help but believe that will make a difference in my health. I know some people have proposed and agreed that this place is exacerbating our health problems, and I can be realistic enough to know that it's not the cause of all of them, but I am very much thinking/planning/hoping/praying that our new home will have really quick, strong and good affects on our health. I think if we play our cards right, in planning the colors, the layout, the move, in packing and getting rid of things we don't need and decluttering, in moving in and organizing and finding a real home for everything, that it can really make a huge difference in our mental and physical health because it will be such a change in our mental and physical spaces. On that note, I am getting over the cold, but the cough is lingering and tiring and the allergies that kicked in are really bothersome. I would much appreciate any healthy feel better energy, as well as any tried and true natural methods for kicking a nasty cold or dealing with seasonal allergies.
I don't know how I managed it, but I got an "A" on my Spanish test. I'm thinking it was either a fluke and I really need to study for the final if I want to do a good job, or it was some natural "tapping into something" and I'll screw it up if I study too much. Who knows, but it was nice to see the "Very good translation" at the top of my paper, especially since I had done very little homework and barely gone to class for about a month. I've been a horrible student this semester, and I need to do better if I want to keep up those translation skills for my May 1st Final Exam.
As for my Research and Bibliography class, I have the major project due in 1.5 weeks and it's worth 50% of my grade. I'm doing my project on Joss Whedon, and if any of you don't know who he is, I suggest you google the name and let me know how you know me and haven't heard of him. *grin* So, for this project, I have to have the following:
* 100 note cards with MLA style citations sorted by type (book, article, book review, television interview, etc.). These citations must be what are called secondary sources, which means they have to be works written about the writer or the writer's works. So bibliographies, scholarly articles, newspaper reviews, etc. Oh, and I'm supposed to start with the most recent works and stop when I get to 100, so I have to check dates very carefully to make sure I'm including only the 100 Most Recent sources.
* A typed primary bibliography - which means a chronological list of everything Joss Whedon has ever done. Everything he's written, co-written, created, directed. This will include television shows by episode, movies, comics, novelizations, etc.
* An annotated bibliography of 30 of the secondary sources. This means I have to actually read 30 of those sources and sum them up in about a paragraph, explaining what they talk about, how good they are, and what they might be useful sources for.
* A bio-chronology of the writer's life. I have to type up a chronological list of dates and events in his life, such as when he started writing, when he first started getting paid for it, when he got married, when he moved here or there, etc.
* An analysis of one of his works, not discussing the text, but the art itself. I'll be writing a short paper (3-5 pages) on one episode of a Whedon show, focussing on his writing, his directing, the art of the piece and what it shows/demonstrates about his artistic ability in that medium.
*An essay on my process doing this whole project, including where I found various sources, what was easy, what was difficult, how much help the MTSU library was (or in my case, wasn't), etc.
Yeah, so, since I have 2 annotations written, 50 of the notecards and nothing else, I've got quite a lot of work to do in the next week and a half. Wish me luck and don't be surprised if you don't hear from me until after the first of May.
So, as far as my Craft Work goes, it's finally coming to a long-awaited milestone. I'll be having my First degree grilling one week from tonight. I'm a little nervous about it, but so far not as much as I expected to be. Of course, that could change drastically in the next week.
I also did the job of Priest for our full moon ritual tonight, which was interesting. I can tell it's something I'll need some practice with, but I did what I was supposed to do and I didn't panic (much) and I was told all went well, so I'm pretty happy with the evening. It's nice to not freak out at the prospect of doing something for a ritual now.
So - that's the big aspects of my life in a nutshell, and I think the cough medicine my sweetie picked up for me is doing it's work on the cough, and I think the events of the evening are catching up to me. I'm getting sleepy, and I have a lot to do tomorrow, so this is me, signing out. Thanks for reading!
ETA: Just realized that I totally failed at the attempt to avoid being overll detailed.