so i saw this 'what generation are you' quiz.....

Jul 12, 2011 18:27

...courtesy of penelope trunk's blog. it's a quiz written back in 2007 to tell you if you're a baby boomer, gen x, gen y, or gen jones (jones being people born between 1954-1965; they are considered a unique group, a mini generation that straddles the baby boom and gen x, with aspects of both and their own unique perspective and reactions).

i was born in 1961, so i fall into this 'unique' group (as do my sister and brother). while i find the questions interesting (they're technology-based), i also find them specious; the quiz is simplistic and is an incomplete tech-slanted picture. that's just the scientist in me talking ;-).

here's the test, my answers, where i fell, and where i truly think i belong. thought i'd throw my fave slashboys up there as my icon for this post, since they too fall into the 10-year gen jones period as well. yet another reason i loves me some jon and stephen....<3

Do you have your own web page? (1 point) y

Have you made a web page for someone else? (2 points) n

Do you IM your friends? (1 point) y (sometimes)

Do you text your friends? (2 points) y

Do you watch videos on YouTube? (1 point) y

Do you remix video files from the Internet? (2 points) n

Have you paid for and downloaded music from the Internet? (1 point) y

Do you know where to download free (illegal) music from the Internet? (2 points) n

Do you blog for professional reasons? (1 point) n

Do you blog as a way to keep an online diary? (2 points) y

Have you visited MySpace at least five times? (1 point) n

Do you communicate with friends on Facebook? (2 points) y

Do you use email to communicate with your parents? (1 point) n

Did you text to communicate with your parents? (2 points) n

Do you take photos with your phone? (1 point) y

Do you share your photos from your phone with your friends? (2 points) n

0-1 point - Baby Boomer

2-6 points - Generation Jones

6- 12 points - Generation X

12 or over - Generation Y

(Note: This post contains the views of Trunk and Weigel and not necessarily those of Harvard and MIT.)


see....why did i do this? i feel i must explain.

i've been dwelling on turning 50 since this past april. i know i'm at the tail-end of the baby boomer group, but also knew that some definitions of gen x also included 1961, which i found confusing - some aspects of gen x fit me, but most do not. i decided to take this test after doing a google search about what generation i fell into given my birthdate. just some idle speculation to see how young i could convince myself i still was.

my biggest problem with this is that it was written in 2007. i'd love to see an updated one.

finally, obligatory disclosure: i've got a BS and MS in comp sci and i'm a UNIX sysadmin/Oracle DBA, so i'm not the average 1961 person...though i haven't worked now in 1 1/2 years (which is yet another depressing story i don't want to get into).

i scored an 11, which places me in gen x. which, if you knew me, you'd know i'm not a gen x person (i'm just NOT the MTV generation, though there is a lot of gen x in me in terms of musical genres). the cold war ITSELF defines me more than the fall of the berlin wall. there *were* no home computers until i was an adult. so all of that - so NOT gen x. yet a lot of gen x is me...the internet has been a part of my life since college, i remember challenger's horrific accident vividly, cable tv, videogames, AIDS...all of these things define me.

as for baby boomer - "cohort #1 (1946-1955)" memorable events that impacted me: assasination of MLK, 1st man on the moon, civil rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, environmental movement ('earth day'), beatles, motown, psychedelic colors/blacklights, pot, long hair/'earth mother' clothes. "cohort #2 (1956-1964)" memorable events that impacted me: watergate, nixon's resignation, the cold war, abortion rights, lowered drinking age, the vietnam war, raging inflation, the gas shortage, the energy shortage/oil embargo, carter reinstituting registering for the draft. all of these things.

so a fusion is truly appropriate - the 'gen jones' idea.

the comment about gen jones in wiki - "Key characteristics: less optimistic, distrust of government, general cynicism." - is *exactly* me. so take a lot of the baby boom, a lot of gen x, mix in the glass half-empty, total distrust of authority and cynicism in general - and yeah. i'm gen jones.

right now, i've got downstairs: my husband, my teenage daughter, her friend who is staying with us, my teenage niece, and my niece's bf who is visiting. and, as usual, there's a gap. i feel my years (though not my age, strangely, which i'm glad about) - but there is such a wistful wonder at watching three teens and a 20 year old with their lives in front of them from the viewpoint of being 50. but i'll quote someone far more elegant than i to express how i feel about that:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

i have moved on. and they are just starting.

now...time to go downstairs and wait for david to come back home with the chinese food we ordered for dinner...

generation x, generation jones, baby boomer

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