Yet another incredible day, today. The sun is warm, the grass is percolating, the Diet Coke is nicely chilled. You can't ask for a better one that that. Just for the record, I'm really not a Pollyanna. I'm not overly perky and I'm not a "rose colored" glasses sort of person all the time. But I do have a sincere appreciation for good days.
My kitty-corner neighbors are out. They have 4 dogs and two mostly grown sons who talk to their parents in language my son would lose his tongue over. They're interesting to watch in that "I'm glad I don't live in THAT family" sort of way. And there's always lots of yelling coming from their house.
I went today and got plumbing supplies for the tub. The very nice Mr. Joseph is doing the tub right now as I right this. Don't even say it. Yes, his name is Joe. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stick that ugly moniker on such a nice guy. But he's making it so I can take baths again. Huzzah! I cannot wait.
I also picked up new cushions for the chairs and some herbs that I"m not already growing. Cilantro, Dill and Rosemary. The rosemary is getting its own pot. I want that to come back year after year. So keep your fingers crossed.
Okay - one of my Kitty Corner Neighbors just came out to yell at one of the dogs that was barking. He came out with... a squirt bottle. And squirted the dog and yelled, "STOOOOOOOOOP BARKINGGGGGG". Now - let's break that down for a second.
- First - the dog is a hound. You can tell by the bark. There's no way in hades it's gonna ever stop barking. That's what hounds DO.
- Second. Dog out in the sun. You have a squirt bottle of water. Ummm HOW is that a punishment?
- Third. English is not the dogs native language. Best trainers will teach you that a short, sharp word like NO!, which sounds like a bark itself is much more effective than trying to use reason.
...and Grandma just came out with the pooper-scooper. Huh. Nice family, that.
I think I'll do some writing today. It seems a beautiful day for it.