Day 12 - Have you ever attempted an "adaptation" vid of a favorite media source but set in a different fandom? (I.e., attempted to bring the 'feel' or 'mood' of one source to a different fandom, like the zombie Mary Poppins vid)
I haven't tried to vid an adaptation vid, but maybe one day I will :)
Day 13 - Do you prefer canon or fanon when you vid (canon shots vs. using shots out of context; AU vs. canon)? Has vidding for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?
I guess I prefer canon, but I also like fanon as well. I vid whatever I get out of the show, or if maybe sometimes I see something that maybe others don't see. I think vidding for a fandom definitely makes me think more about the show more than it would If I wasn't vidding for it to be honest.
Day 14 - Ratings - how high are you comfortable with going? Have you ever vidded higher than you're comfortable with? If you're comfortable with NC-17, have you ever been shocked by finding that the vid you're making is G-rated instead?
I'm comfortable with vidding mostly anything *except I don't think I'll ever want to vid something with the kind of gore that you see in Saw & FD (I have vidded FD, but I never even included the gore). I don't think I'll vid using NC-17 source unless I think the vid needs it. I usually like to keep my vids rated R and under *actually I don't even know if I have vids that would be considered rated R*.
*I was going to include Day 15, but this post was becoming way too huge.. So I'll post it later.*
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