30 Days of Vidding Meme - Day 10-11

Aug 30, 2011 15:29

Day 10 - Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone tried to vid a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

I've never vidded a pairing that I didn't like. I do have some projects though that have been collecting dust.
(Love Me If You Dare - I love the two main characters and this movie, I just haven't had to motivation to finish it)
(GZSZ - Lenny/Carsten, Love these two as well.. but once again.. I don't have the motivation at the moment to finish it)

Day 11 - Genre - do you prefer making certain genres of vid? What kind do you tend to vid the most?

I noticed that I always find a way to make Dark Character study vids. I definitely vid these kind of vids the most. My dark vids seem to be my better vids as well *at least to me*. I'm attracted to characters that are struggling or have some kind of supernatural powers. I also like Psycholoical thrillers a lot (I have a vid that I'm working on with a movie like this - and man it's a challenge to vid..)

Relationship studies is another one that I enjoy to vid. If I see a couple that I love, I'll want to vid them. I'll do any kind of relationship study: The couples that are so cute together, the ones that struggle but find a way to love each other/work it out & the ones that hate each other/enemies.

Action is also a favorite. I don't vid to action as much as I'd like, but it's definitely always something that I can have fun with. I also turn to Comedy as well if I want to vid something fun & silly.

AU & Episodics are the genres that I vid the least. I love AU, but I don't make an AU vid unless I have a vid idea that I really like and think that it will work/be convincing. Episodics - I think i've only done just 2 vids in this genre. I'm the type that is greedy & LOVES to have as much footage as I can get and when I find a song, I am tempted to use a lot of footage outside from just using that one episode. Therefore, I just skip out of making an episodic vid.

I can't STOP listening to this group's album. It's sooo good! I've been a fan of theirs since their debut several months ago. I hope America realizes their Talent! It's a shame America overlooks Asian artist. This is an American debut group; They sing in English.

image Click to view

Link to embedded vid here..

That guy with the long hair is so good looking and has such a beautiful voice! I fangirl him hardcore.
You can find their other videos at youtube: "Go" & "Cold" (as well as a really cool "Cold" remix video)

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vidding, meme, kitty's meme, music

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