Title: Moving backwards
Pairing: Donghae/Jessica
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Summary: Take me back to the day when we first met.
► For
bollywoodrecord who I promised to make one (I should've made like a one-shot but I'm still in the block, sorry bb)
She asked you to let go, but you wouldn’t let her. )
bb, that haesica was absolutely amazing. it totally brought the whole second pov to a whole 'nother level!
I was breathless. each description, each sentence, each word was just so apt and perfect idek how to describe it.
that was sort of a failed attempt at the 2nd POV and damn, Haesica's everything angst on me I can't with your gif right there <33
Thank you for reading it bb ♥♥♥
oh come on! it was not failed! it was pretty darn epic if you ask me!
heh. I love the gif. it's totally relevant.
you're welcome ♥
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