Title: Moving backwards
Pairing: Donghae/Jessica
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Summary: Take me back to the day when we first met.
► For
bollywoodrecord who I promised to make one (I should've made like a one-shot but I'm still in the block, sorry bb)
She asked you to let go, but you wouldn’t let her. That was when you saw her tears, hastily forgetting the reason why you were fighting and you wanted to take her in your arms, tell her it would be all right from now on, but she stepped back, shaking her head and leaving the room as the clock reached midnight, just like Cinderella. Just like that goddamn fairytale.
She left. Just when you thought everything was going perfect. Forget me.
You knew it could have been better. One way or another -you always hoped, you always played with the strings of what-ifs and choices, and you never really even had up to this point given it all up. Could that be because your heart got used to her so close to yours?
Indeed, you had earned that nickname from her well, too well and perfect. Babo -how could you let your heart slip off your fingers? Weren’t you trusting? Or was it the lack of it?
Everything else, reality itself, would come to an end but at least you tried. You tried and you fell for the deep trench of reason everyone was referring to as love. You didn’t know it was love, nor did you find it to be love. You found her attractive, found her sweet and you wanted her for yourself, like candy; but it became much more than what you expected it to be.
And as you sat there, still thinking and trying to keep your mind condemned in the pleasing alcohol, you started to flashback still, at faint memories of her, sad and happy ones alike.
And you would never forget how she twirled in her best Sunday dress, pink it was, with her younger little sister near her, looking depressed all of a sudden at the whole point of dancing in front of a big crowd. You took a peek, escaped from your first day of practice and she was in one of the practice rooms with a few of the older members of the company. She always enjoyed herself while performing, with or without her sister, you knew.
In fact you gathered a lot about her that were just too hard to ‘forget’. She would hold your hand very tightly when she was scared, when she was excited, oftentimes backstage during SM Town tours and when it was too impossible to be that separated, you would kick in glances, trying to suffocate each other with those and maybe live, as much only for that. She would like to sleep beside you, even when it bothered you a little. She grew so much in you, too much that now that it was all over, the first few moments kept reappearing, coming in flashes when you would be doing the dishes and just before you went to bed.
It was like dying, the break-up: a part of you forced to leave everything behind but you knew too well you could never. The memories, just at the last minutes of your life, continued to haunt you and you couldn’t anymore distinguish dream from the real world.
Could you just take me back to the beginning?
Title: Something New
Pairing: Siwon/Tiffany
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Summary: New tides and new currents, it's impossible to keep up with all of them.
► For
falsefallacy Prompt: New Guy
He doesn’t regret. There were too much in life to be sorry about, and he doesn’t like to keep track of any of them. Living with so many doubts, so many questions -he has to have a little more faith, so he keeps his chin up, but heart impatiently wondering what else can surface.
“I like him.”
“You sound like a schoolgirl. He’s younger than you.”
“I’m younger than you.”
“By two years, that doesn’t mean anything.”
“See. It doesn’t mean anything,” she emphasizes. “Even if I do like him, this new kid, it doesn’t actually mean a thing.”
He wants to believe her, really. Siwon has dedicated two years of his personal life for her, the gem of the company, a different kind of oxygen to his somewhat mediocre idol life. Tiffany is a different kind of twinkle perfection, fabricated to be the nonetheless the only straw to his berry and the apple to his pie; which ironically he finds a little too cliche those lyrics of a certain song.
It is never enough to associate her to sweets: Tiffany is different but entirely the same. She is a taste that is not acquired at once, but when one does, effectively it lasts. She lasts.The sweetness, too sticky--- it makes her something that is hard to get, and eventually something you are just bound to regret.
And then there is Wu fan. Wu fan has another flavor into his personality, the range of their so-called rainbow was from the bright red to Tiffany being the little last pinch of violet in the end. Too different, Siwon always always thinks that they are. He is quick on his feet, he watches during their breaks while playing basketball, and sometimes at the corner of his eye, he will see her cheering for the other team, for the enemy, for Wu fan and maybe, even if he doesn’t admit it, he feels betrayed.
“We’re still together, Miyoung-ah.”
“But it doesn’t matter anymore, now does it?”
Siwon doesn’t regret of letting her go, but somewhere he hopes, prays and even waits for another miracle. He doesn’t regret. Or that he tries not to.
► Because I'm lazy doing the rest of the things that I'm suppose to do, you've got yourself another drabble set. Sigh, this is really getting offhand, I swear. And depression's kind of not working that well for me so if you're surprised with the influx of stories I keep making these past two months (honestly I am too because I'm as lazy as a rock), it's because I'm really anxious and I have been feeling really... unwell to write really efficiently and I don't know, writing has been more like a need now, like breathing. If I don't write, I'm not quite myself. As expected though, Haesica had always been my angst muse. And Siwon-Tiffany, my first time for the couple so they're all messes. I'm sorry I needed ventilation. I'm really another hopeless kid, I should be updating my chaptered ones.