Apr 03, 2008 21:29
I have been working with a family to get them to come to terms with the fact that their boy is most likely on the Autistic Spectrum since I started working in Oct. Last month they finally agreed to allow me to refer their child to the diagnosis team. I started an intervention with the child and family and have spent 2+ hours teaching them how to use the intervention-this happened about a month ago. Today the Child and Family Support Worker came in and we were discussing the case and it came up that the family is no longer using the picture symbol therapy that I have been encouraging (even though this child has taken to it like a duck in water) and the Mother asked the support worker for a book on Makaton (sign supported speech) as Mother heard about this from another parent and wants to try it with her son. A-the child is not ready for sign supported speech B-the support worker is not a communication specialist and C-support worker should work as a multidisciplinary team to encourage mother to help her son. I am furrious! I feel like everything I have worked for to support this child is now down the drain. I have a major case of the fuck-its. I am so frustrated with the nursery I work in. The communication is diabolical. The staff are not special needs endorsed, it is a piece of monkey business. I would hate for my child to attend this nursery. I feel like telling parents not to let their child to go there. Aaaaargh!!!!!!!