Mar 03, 2008 17:32
I saw the most amazing film over the weekend, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I just loved it-quite possibly one of the best films I have ever seen. I went with my Speechy friends on Friday night-I wanted to see it again on Sat with J. I still can not keep thinking about it.
Today was very draining. I spent the whole day on one client-something I am not really supposed to do, or feel guilty for doing, giving the amount of children I work with. I spent the better part of the morning encouraging parents that referal to the Autism Diagnosis Team is a good think to do-that if their pride and joy is on the spectrum, it will take almost a year for the referal team to see him and the qualities he is displaying will still be there in a year's time-that the ASD Diagnosis Team will say no if their child doesn't fit the criteria for diagnosis, going over the diagnosis process and what the criteria for ASD is. These poor parents are in denial of the extent of difficulties their son has. The wee sausage is only 3;06 but clearly is displaying ASD features. The family will get more assistance/benefits if he gets a diagnosis. I also spent a lot of time teaching intervention techniques to them-it was a difficult day. The rest of the day I was working with other professionals to get the referal through. Very tiring. I love that I was able to effectively teach the intervention to the parents-it makes me feel my job is worth while when I can get immediate feedback that intervention works. Off to have dinner with J and chill out now.