Title: Ride
Vidder: RubyChan05
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All New Who to date. Torchwood 2x05 and Classic Who.
Summary: When the Boeshane Peninsula is invaded Jack catches a ride with a man in a blue police box...and not just any man! This vid follows Jack from his journeys with the Fifth Doctor to the adventures with Nine and Ten.
Notes: Probably my best editing yet - the first 30 seconds took nearly 5 hours to get as I wanted them, and the whole vid took about a week to make because I had to rewatch so many old episodes of DW/TW, Classic Who in order to find the clips I needed. I only hope it was worth it!
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May not have finished processing quite yet - if it hasn't please check back later to watch and comment! I just wanted to get it up before the challenge closed.