Title: Prelude
Author: Beachy_Geek
Prompt used: Make room for a new anxiety
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Ten
Spoilers/Warnings: None unless you haven't seen Gridlock
Disclaimer: The BBC owns the Whoniverse. I just play with the cool people sometimes.
Summary: How do you face an infinite future? And this makes BINGO!
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Poor Jack, noticing how much he's changing in all the times he has died and come back to life, how his body is mutating. The Doctor's words of love and support to Jack at the end there really made me cry even more, these last two lines really made me choke up so much, it was just so heartfelt and wonderful:
“Jack. Oh, Jack, you are so beautiful. You are so beautiful to me now. But you will become so much more than you ever dreamed, Jack. You will be magnificent. You will be glorious.”
Jack looked into the Doctor’s eyes and saw only truth there, and love. That was all he needed to face an uncertain future.
You did a magnificent job with this prompt, sweetie, and I loved it to bits. It's gone into my memories for sure. Thanks so much for this lovely fic, and congratulations on your Bingo, sweetie! *hugs*
It's all right to say that, really, you should definitely be proud of that. Aw, bless, we do love our boys so very much, that's for sure, and we can't help but be that way, yeah? *more hugs* David and John B are also sending you hugs in my icon.
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