said the owl to the bird.
"no i don't believe i am," it said in response. "there are things out there that i am afraid of. you could be one of them, but since i've known you ever since existence became a part of me, i do not feel that fear."
"i've wanted to kill you before," the owl confessed. "i've seen it readily await for me inside of my mind, ready to explode whenever i felt it most. but i know better, and i care for you."
taken aback, the bird slowly replied "your good intentions speak highly of you, but you haven't been honest with me. i cannot say for sure whether holding back this desire of yours is truly the best for either of us."
"so should i kill you the next time i so desire?" the owl said with melancholy softness.
"if it be what thou desire, so will i make the sacrifice."
what an obstinate and coy existence we share.
i've been trying really hard lately to organize all these thoughts that pollute my mind like oil and sap. i try to clean it up with books and music and anything else that will keep my mind busy. however they still linger in the air of immediate thought.
what i want is true confidence. what i mean by this is that i want to acquire confidence though loving who i am inside and knowing my abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and charisma. i don't want to have to make fun of other people or have the latest clothing, or know the best music or anything else of that nature. i still really like that quote that pharrell williams once said, "being cool comes from being comfortable in your own skin" or something like that. that's what i want to achieve.
"hey, how have you been?" she said with concern.
"i've missed your touch. your presence. your company." he sufferingly let fall from his mouth.
"i'm so sorry. but you know i can't be that for you anymore." she said.
"i do." he said. "i do so much that it's all i think about when i'm around you."
"do try to not be so sad my dear. this life gave us red skies evening after evening, and after sleeping ever so peacefully, we awoke to a red morning, yelling loud caution faster than the wind could take us away" she said.
"after the storm came and went, you were no where to be seen, and i was left with blue skies all around me. but i'd much rather have those evenings and storms with you, than to feel nothing in a pleasant weather."
i'm not sure what i want from life, and yet, i had the same thought five years ago. i don't feel productive, life is going to pass me by quickly, and i had the same thought last year. i can make myself happy, i can immerse myself in knowledge and rich acceptance of what i've been granted, i can be whatever i want to be, i can take all that i've absorbed this day and turn it into something wonderful, and yet i think about this every day.
it's funny to think that your life is ahead of you, and that the whole reason for living, is to catch up to it.