Survey stolen out of boredom from miss Cassie

May 04, 2004 16:45

Name ]:Deanna
[ Born in ]: FOrt Worth,TX
[ Resides in ]: FOrt Worth,TX
[ Good student?]: eh?
[ Eyes ]: Hazel(brown green)
[ Hair ]: BLack, red, brownish
[ Shoe size ]:6 1/2

Last time you..

[Had a nightmare]: A week ago
[ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: to my mommy about 2 hours ago
[ Ate at McDonald's ]: in Austin with Mark I think.
[Dyed your hair ]: umm about 1 months
[ Brushed your hair ]: this morning
[ Washed your hair ]: to long
[ Cried ]: yesturday
[ Called someone ]: when I got to work I called my mom
[ Smiled ]: a minute ago
[ Laughed ]: last night
[ Talked to an ex ]: Last night I talked to Shawn
[ Smoke? ]: haha I think i did while I was with Mark. I was making fun of him.
[ Do drugs? ]: nope
[ Have sex? ]: April 25 god I miss Mark!
[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: one sometimes
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back?]: story of my life haha
[ Play an instrument? ]: wish I did.
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: eh nah.
[ Remember your first love? ]: Yep!
[ Still love him/her? ]: love love no!
[ Read the newspaper? ]: the other day
[ Have any straight friends? ]: umm sure. What kind of question is that haha
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: umm no
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: eh sometimes
[ Have any secrets? ]: yep
[ Have any pets ]: Stinky....Mark has him!
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: rarely happens
[ Wear hats? ]: nope
[ Have any piercings? ]: not a one!
[ Have any tattoos? ]: nadda...Mark has enough for us both!haha
[ Have an obsession? ]: nah. SOme say I am with Ramones tho. Eh whatever.
[ Collect anything? ] Ramones stuff, Opps a Daisy shirts, fairys, books, music
[ Have a best friend? ] odd question. at the moment not sure how to answer. I could have one if I wanted haha
[ Like your handwriting? ]: hate it
[ Have any bad habits? ]: smoking
[ Care about looks? ]: not as much as I use to
[ Boy/girlfriend's looks?]: well.....that is really odd....Mark he does this thing where well...he just doesn't give a fuck about his looks.grows really retarted facial hair. SO yes and no...


[ Dress ]: black pants/striped shirt
[ Mood ]: blah
[ Make-up ]: nope
[ Music ]: none
[ Taste ]: Dr.pepper
[ Hair ]: in a ponytail
[ Smell ]: vanilla
[ Thought ]: What to eat for lunch?hmmmm
[ Book ]: Neverending story/ and Dangerous angels Francesca Lia blcok
[ Refreshment ]: Dr.Pepper
[ Favorite Celebrity ]: Audrey Hepburn/Joey Ramone

Last Person:

[ You Touched ]: my mom to give her a hug
[ You Talked to ]: Jessica
[ You Hugged ]: Mom
[ You Instant messaged ]:Shawn last night
[ You Yelled at ]:not sure
[ you Kissed]: Mark:)

Who do you want to:

[ Kill ]: no one
[ Slap ]: no one
[ Tickle ]: Mark
[ Talk To ]: mark


[Teacher:] myself
[Professor]: on Giligans island or the one on power puff
[Fruit:] strawberry
[Veggie:]: cucumber
[Radio Station:]none

[Been Asked Out:] yep
[Me or You:] me
[Coke or Pepsi:]c oke
[cursuive or print:] cursuive
[Day or night:] night
[Jeans or Khakis:] jeans
[Guys or Girls:] guys
[Gap or Old Navy:] none
[Sliver or Gold:] Silver
[Lipstick or Lipgloss]: lipgloss
[Aim or Phone:] AIM
[TV or Computer:] computer
[Even or Odd:] odd
[Coffee or Hot Chocolate:] Coffee
[Lace or Satin:] satin
[Jeans or cords:] jeans
[Sweater or Sweatshirt:] sweater
[Wool or Cotton:] cotton
[Tshirt or Tanktop:] tank top
[Last Four Digits of Home #:] nadda
[Last Four Digits of Cellular #:]nadda

[Last Song Listened To:] Yeah Yeah Yeahs-Maps
[Last Movie Watched in Theaters:] THe Mayor of SUnset Strip
[Last Movie Watched Period:] winnie the Pooh
[Last Person Over:] Matt
[Last Person Seen:] Umm the guy in the desk next to me
[Do you look like any celebrities?:] I get Nichole Kidman alot....WHY?!??1 I don't know....
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