Wow how did this happen?

May 04, 2004 15:45

So I have become a lot more social. Sure I thought that before. Now I know that. I have looked back over the last week. I have hungout with a lot of people. Random people. I hungout with the people after Division One. That was cool. I didn’t know ANYONE with me that night. It was fun though. I met up with Maggie and Micheal at the bar before that. I mean I usually wouldn’t have went in fear of no one showing. I handled it very well. I went to the Wreckroom to meet Matt for Baboon. Ended up hanging with a chic from work and Matt. Awesome! I hungout with Omega the other night. I hadn’t hungout with him in so long it was like a new person. I have been talking with Erinn more and making a friendship.


So who is going to this Party on Saturday? If you have no clue what party then you were not invited by said person. I am not going to mention who cause well. I seem to blab and he gets mad. Anyway if you were invited are you going? I have that night off cause a girl traded with me. So yea I get off at 5pm on that night. So I most likely will go. Why not? Right.

This weeks schedule:
-Going to visit family on my days off.
-Thursday night I will be going to see some Metal bands at Wreckroom. Matt invited so I will go. Erinn you want to go?
-Plan something for Mark and I to do when I visit him in a few weeks.
-Go to that Party Saturday night.
-Sunday might go to the church

I think I am going to see if I can have my niece over for a sleep over Next Friday. I miss her bunches! It will be easier for me to get her when she is out for summer vacation though. Then I can take her out and do stuff too. Hmm….

So that is my life. It has got intresting.
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