when the english drink

May 12, 2006 19:01

I had the most bizarre evening out last night and most of the encounters were a direct result of the English propensity to drink until they puke or become violent, which is actually aggravated when the sun shines.

First stop, a Stereolab show. Believe it or not, there was raucousness at a Stereolab show. To the point where some people were near starting a mosh pit. One old dude shoved himself right next to me with his pint spilling on my feet and yelled in my ear "come on, it's Stereolab!" Where I come from, you appreciate Stereolab by nodding your head while they play and then hanging around the stage when they are packing up to talk to them about their vintage analogue equipment. And it's not like I was even standing still, I just wasn't po-going like he wanted me to.

Waiting at the bus stop, still confused, two very drunk guys (who, through immediate stereotyping, I thought were going to try to mug us) came up to my partner and I, asking us to play name that tune with a song playing from their mobile phone. It was something by Handel and they had contested the title at the pub quiz from which they had come. Then they started talking to us about arthouse cinema and how much they loved foreign films. The one dude, slurring his words, was gushing about how much he loved Lilja 4-ever.


what the hell?, uk, london

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