(no subject)

Aug 05, 2011 12:48

People are really getting on my nerves today. Even people who do not normally get on my nerves. I need a nap.

And people who call me looking for a project manager's phone number need to ask for the phone number and SHUT THE HELL UP so that I can tell it to them. They do NOT need to explain to me the reason they need the phone number - I'll ask if I want to know. I had one guy say to me, "Can you please give me (Name of PM)'s phone number so that I can call him to tell him that I have to reschedule our site meeting because... yadda yadda yadda." I don't give a rat's ass - you can call him and cuss him out, or call him to proselytize, or for any other reason you like. I don't need to know.

In other news, in addition to the new transmission, I also need (apparently the need is desperate) new tires. I knew I needed them, I just didn't know it was QUITE so immediate a need. So that's another $700 on the car, on top of the $2800 for the transmission.

On the plus side, Cat's at my parents' today and into tomorrow. So I will actually be able to take a nap when I get home. And Joe and I are going for a nice dinner to celebrate his new job and our impending anniversary.

car, annoyances

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