(no subject)

Oct 15, 2009 20:01

Ann Coulter said something on Hannity's show today that kind of summed up the whole "Conservatives are Racist" thing, (paraphrased):

"If conservatives are the racists the Left say we are, why can't they ever quote us correctly?"

In other words - if we're the racists the Left (and its plaything, the media) want us to be, why fabricate quotes? There ought to be MOUNDS of evidence there for the taking. Nope - they use totally made-up quotes that first found light on Wikipedia, of all places, and report them as real news - and then, they use the Dan Rather defense: "Well, maybe it isn't TRUE, but it's a good question!"

There is audio of every radio show Rush Limbaugh has ever done, yet the media cannot produce it for the supposed "slavery was good" and "James Earl Ray was a hero" quotes they reported as fact (DUI manslaughter hit-and-run driver Rick Sanchez of CNN tweeted, basically, "Our bad" when confronted with it - yeah, thanks Rick). The worst things he actually SAID that they can find were a comment about how media desperation to show their enlightenment by propping up black people who, if they were white, would never be commented on (Donovan McNabb at the time, but it really found its head with Barry Obama), and how the NFL was behaving like "The Crips and the Bloods," which was a comment on the state of the game, and wasn't racial in any way, shape, or form - it was about GANGS. Apparently, mentioning GANGS is racially tinged language.

I'm sick of this racial witchhunt. I've BEEN sick of it for YEARS, but it's really reached its apex with this supposedly "post-racial" President. You can't disagree with the President without being racist any more, which is probably annoying President Bush considerably, because a WHOLE LOT of blacks hated him a lot more than most whites hate Barry O.

media, racism

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