Thoughts about Roland Burris

Jan 07, 2009 10:18

Frankly, I think that, under the circumstances, Blago's nomination of Burris, if the Dems had accepted it with equanimity, was the most graceful he could have made for them. After all, he is the only guy who can do this.

He filled the seat with a black guy to replace the only black guy in the Senate (who has left). He filled the seat with a guy who's paid his dues to the State of Illinois, whose character is (presumably - this IS Illinois, after all) unimpeachable. AND he filled it with a guy who, when you get right down to it, is filler. He'll toe the party line, not make waves, and get out of the way come 2010 when Jesse, Jr. runs. He won't be a lasting taint on the seat.

Instead, Dingy Harry Reid makes a big to-do, and, frankly, makes the Democrat contingent (other than DiFi) look churlish.

Of course, as a Republican, I love it.


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