(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 16:53

Haven't done a meme in a while. I swiped this one from noblwish.

Any teenager can write a survey about their favorite class or their secret crush or how nice their car is that their parents paid for. I for one am tired of all of those surveys made up by high school kids. 'Have you ever kissed someone?' 'Missed someone?' 'Told someone you loved them? 'Drank alcohol?' Here are some questions for the people who are a little more mature...


1. Do you have a college degree?
Yes. Two of them, actually.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
No idea - Joe pays them. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $180, though - we're on that program that averages them out so we don't get hit with the mutant $450 bill in August.

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
40 or so.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Not really big on Happy Hour. I guess we do Gallagher's once in a while.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
9 miles

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
Alarm goes off at 6:54; I roll out of bed between 7:20 and 7:30.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
10:30 am.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
Well, I GET it checked... Actually, I'm due for a check now.

11. How large was your first cellular phone?
Bag phone. Huge.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
No - small company. Joe's does, though, and Ted gives me an allowance for it.

13. Did you use the internet to write a research paper?
No. Library books and periodicals!

14. Have you attended a HS reunion?
My high school has only had one - a fifteen year, and I missed it because we were moving within a month of it.

15. Why do you think people delete questions?
Do I care?

16. What is your favorite nonalcoholic drink?

17. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I don't think we have any at the moment; we've just been buying the cheap stuff.

18. Have you been divorced?

19. How old were you when you stopped getting ID'd for Alcohol?
I think I have been carded within the last five years.

20. Favorite casino?
Depends on what I'm playing. If blackjack, the Golden Gate; if video poker, the Plaza.

21. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

22. Did you ever have Hyper color shirts?
No. I thought they were stupid and just showed where you were more likely to be sweaty.

23. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and attracted to older people?
I remember his original nose, too.

24. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
Oh, yes.

25. Have you had a will made?
No, but think of it often. Does that count?

26. What music was in your cd case/wallet when you were 16?
I didn't have a CD player when I was 16. But...let's see. That was the year The Final Countdown came out, I think. I also was big into KISS and the J.Geils Band.

27. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
I don't know whether any party I've been to, even those that have featured kegs, could rightly be called a "kegger".

28. How many times have you driven home drunk?
Drunk, never. Kinda tipsy a few times. Not in a very long time, though.

29. How many major wars have you lived through?
American wars? Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the current one.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
Across the street from the World Trade Center.

31. What bill do you hate paying the most?
I don't pay the bills.

32. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
The Compass Room at the Hyatt downtown.

33. Last time you puked from drinking?
It's been a while.

34. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?

35. Name of your 1st grade teacher?
Gosh. I don't remember. Mrs. Tobin?

36. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Playing poker.

37. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A singer. In fact, I still want that.

38. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
It was clean, goes with my trousers, and didn't need to be ironed.

39. How long have you been out of high school?
20 years. If my class president weren't so lame, I'd be having a 20-year reunion around this time.

40. What do you think about GAS PRICES???
Free market at work.

41. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where and who?
I CAN move anywhere. I choose not to.

42. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
I don't remember.

43. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
Love. :-)

44. Favorite style of underwear
French cut briefs.

45. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex
The purpose of underwear is not entertainment.

46. What errand/chore do you despise?
Vacuuming and taking out the trash.

47. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery?

48. Get up early or sleep in?
Sleep! I'm a total night-owl and would stay up till all hours if I didn't have to get up to go to work.

50. Favorite NON-sexual thing to do at night with a girl/boy?
Watch movies.

51. Favorite 80's movie?
Hmm. Stripes. History of the World Park I. Maybe Ghostbusters. And, then, of course, there's Airplane...

52. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?
I don't shop at WalMart. Target's closer and nicer. And there isn't any one thing I get when I go there, either.

53. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
Definitely not. It is one of the foundations of human society.

54. Do you want to get married?
Not particularly, inasmuch as to do so would mean committing bigamy...

55. Do you want to have kids?
Yes. A kid, anyway.


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