Title: Brains, or a Lack Thereof.
hyperemmalawlz Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Will. Mercedes/Quinn, some Brittany/Santana, implied Puck/Artie, possibly even Rachel/Tina if you squint real hard. Ensemble.
Word Count: 6330
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Finn and Will have UST. Mercedes, Quinn, Rachel and Tina all see this (two out of four may be projecting somewhat). Brittany and Santana have a lot of sex. Puck and Artie snark a lot. And oh yeah, there are zombies.
Spoilers: Up to 2x01, "Auditions."
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, crack!fic (zombies and witchcraft included).
Author's Notes: Written for the
winnners monthly challenge, which asked for a supernatural AU. So, here's this.