Beta Sign-Ups!

Sep 30, 2010 00:05

Hey guys!

So since we're going to have all these awesome events coming up; I figure it would be a good thing to get a beta list up. Sometimes it's hard finding a beta willing to work with an awesome fringe pairing like ours. So I figure that an easy to access list of all people on the comm willing to beta would be good for any beta-less Winn writer ( Read more... )

contributor: hopenight, !mod post

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dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:24:26 UTC
Username/Name: dark_dreymer / David
Content/Grammar/Both: Both
Highest Rating: NC-17/FRAO. So basically, no limit *starts mumbling 2 Unlimited under his breath*
Fic Types You'll Do: Any
Fic Types You Won't: None
Kink(?): Yes
If Yes then what type: I'm pretty easy for anything. There's some kinks I'm more familiar with, but I'll hit the kink_wiki and research if there's one I'm not as knowledgeable about
Any Squicks? Just any bathroom stuff
Anything else? I have two beta functions. The first is that I just proof-read for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors; correct them as I find them and send an editted version back to you. My second is to highlight any problems, make notes with suggestions for what could change, what is/isn't working and send you back a copy of that; so that you can argue your point across if you don't agree with any of my criticisms and learn about recurring mistakes so you can try to avoid them in the future. I personally prefer the second method as I think it makes for better fic and helps you grow as a writer; however if you want to take the first option that's fine too. Just make it clear when you contact me which you'd prefer.

As a question though hopenight: Are we giving contact info in this post, or are we adding that with the round-up beta post later? (Also, that's a snazzy looking mod icon you got yourself there :3)


hopenight September 30 2010, 04:25:54 UTC
Dammit!I knew I forgot to add something!

Hehehe I know right? flupf made it for me!!!

I feel all mod-like right now.


dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:29:59 UTC
Don't worry, your friendly neighbourhood dark_dreymer is here to point out any little problems :P

flupf makes such pretty icons. I'm jealous that you got a special one, but I lack the moral fibre to be a mod. Probably because of all the sleazy pop tarts rather than something wholesome, like bran XD


hopenight September 30 2010, 04:32:50 UTC
XD Hahaha thanks, hun.

Actually I have no clue how I got to be a mod. I put my name in. And when I got it, I was like "Wait YOU want ME to be in a position of authority?"

It's quite laughable to me. But I hope I'm doing alright so far.

She does, doesn't she? She's going to do the art for the monthly challenge winners if they want it.


dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:37:15 UTC
I had the total opposite reaction for putting my name down for any position of authority at school. I put my name down to be a Buddy to the new kids coming in and they rejected me for it so I was like, "Oh, right. So because I've got some bad incidents on my permanent record you're gonna leave the 11-year-olds in the hands of the class stoner *slow, sarcastic applause*"

Is it weird that now I know the art reward is gonna be of good quality I'm up by about 3 motivation points? It's probably because the only person to make me art before is my RL friend and she was always so busy with her coursework for her actual art course that they were always pretty much just doodles.


hopenight September 30 2010, 04:43:19 UTC
Hahaha I always avoided positions of authority. I mean I tried to run for student council. I had an awesome speech but in the end it was just a popularity contest. *sighs* Far be it to have a smart girl on the student council. THE HORROR!

The promise of art is always what gets me through Big Bangs. Trust me. It's a good thing. :) Plus it should be fun. We'll have the boring top three fics. And then we'll have a bunch of silly categories.

So basically we're going to have to bug people to write for the challenge.


hopenight September 30 2010, 04:43:49 UTC
Because we want lots of fics!!! :D


dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:49:42 UTC
I used reverse psychology on my team-mates to make them vote me House Captain in Junior school, "I think I'd be really good at it, but don't vote for me if you don't want to." Then I realised that it was just another position of suposed authority that basically does nothing, exactly like Student Council so I didn't bother applying all the way through secondary school.

I didn't bother filling in the form to be a prefect either because I hate the whole system. The kids that get picked get snobby and clique-y and the majority of them abuse the power they're given over the younger kids by making up rules to impose, like putting a 10-second time limit on using the water fountain.

My friend applied for it though. In the "Why do you want to be a prefect" section of the form she put down, "The prefects get to wear burgundy shirts and I look better in burgundy than sky blue". Strangely, they didn't pick her.


hopenight September 30 2010, 04:52:23 UTC
Very strange indeed. When asked why I wanted to be Secretary, I said because the secretaries know all the dirty little secrets. And I wanted to blackmail the shit out of some of my classmates too.


dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:54:27 UTC
Haha, cool.

If I'd had the guts, or if I'd not cared about the outcome, I'd have had a laugh with the Buddy application. "Why do you think you'd make a good buddy?" Well, since I've been excluded for fighting no less than three times I'm sure you're aware that I could totally deck anyone who gives the newbies shit.


dark_dreymer September 30 2010, 04:31:14 UTC
Best Way of Contact: Carrier pigeon.

Failing that, you can try my e-mail:


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