Beta Sign-Ups!

Sep 30, 2010 00:05

Hey guys!

So since we're going to have all these awesome events coming up; I figure it would be a good thing to get a beta list up. Sometimes it's hard finding a beta willing to work with an awesome fringe pairing like ours. So I figure that an easy to access list of all people on the comm willing to beta would be good for any beta-less Winn writer.

Now there are two categories: Content and Grammar. People can sign up for both. I know that people like me, who have a better eye for the content (flow of the story, tenses, making sure the characters are semi in canon) would like to beta even if they cannot catch grammartical errors as well.

Under the cut will be information necessary for the betas to have. In a couple weeks, there will be post with the list of betas so writers can start contact.

Highest Rating:
Fic Types You'll Do:
Fic Types You Won't:
If Yes then what type:
Any Squicks?
Anything else?
Best Way of Contact:

contributor: hopenight, !mod post

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