Title: Back to School, 1/?
Rating: PG13
Summary: Written for the prompt meme. Will inexplicably awakens as his teenage self again. First order of business? Seducing Finn Hudson. What could possibly go wrong?
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: Yes, I am working on three multi-part Winn fics at the same time. No worries, I plan to continue and complete all of them.
Will whisked a hand across the mirror surface, wiping away the shower mist.
He spun away from the mirror and stared at his hands. His nails were badly bitten and the nail beds were pink and ragged, a couple were bleeding. His hands flew to his face; smaller nose, softer skin and no stubble to speak of. Moving down to his torso he found that the thin carpet of hair he used to have was gone, as if he’d been waxed in his sleep, and, while still slender, his stomach had substantially less muscle definition than he was used to
He unwrapped the towel knotted about his waist.
And promptly fell flat on his back.
Grunting with pain, he grabbed the edge of the sink and hauled himself back up to his feet. He ran a hand through his hair, which took longer than it ought to because it was now down to his chin. He tugged at his straggly, badly-bleached bangs.
‘It had to be the Cobain years, huh?’ He swept them aside to examine a piercing that should have long since disappeared. In his youth, it had housed a single golden loop. He pointed at his reflection. ‘This is a nightmare, a dream. Yeah, that’s what this is.’ He grinned with relief. ‘I’m gonna go back to bed, and when I wake up, everything’ll be back to normal.’
He marched out of the bathroom and practically threw himself back into the bed, pulling the covers over his head with determination.
He waited.
And waited.
And waited.
When it became clear that he wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon, he threw the covers back with a cry of exasperation.
‘I can’t go to work like this!’ He screamed at the ceiling. ‘I’m a teacher!’
‘Well I work nights at a gas station!’ a voice drifted up from the floor below. ‘Shut the fuck up!’
With a sigh, Will slung his feet back onto the floor and buried his face in his hands.
‘What am I gonna do?’
The traitorous voice in the back of his head spoke up before he could silence it. He couldn’t deny that the young man occupied damn near all of his dreams, not to mention most of his waking thoughts. Now, someone or something had seen fit to make Will more age-appropriate and… no sir, nuh-uh, no way, no how. He might be physically sixteen again but mentally and emotionally, he was still thirty-something. No matter which way he spun it, it would still be manipulative, criminal behaviour, taking advantage, molestation, statutory rape, and a million other terms for just plain wrong. Besides, all evidence so far pointed to Finn being pretty far on the ‘straight’ end of the sexuality spectrum.
No shame in having a little fun, though, right? Make friends, flirt a little, see what happens? If nothing else, at least you’ll know if he’s into it. What’s the worst that could happen?
‘A punch in the face?’ Will suggested aloud. But no, that wasn’t likely. Finn was the epitome of gentle giant-hood. It was a large of part of why Will was attracted to him. ‘I guess there’s no harm in trying. What am I gonna do otherwise? Hang around here until I reach thirty again? Or die of boredom, whichever comes first.’
That’s the spirit! Relive your youth, old man!
Will stood up.
‘First, I gotta do something about my hair. And my nails.’ He looked down it himself. ‘And find something that fits.’
Terri’s old flat iron and a nail file took care of the first two problems, but after his sixth pair of jeans slid back down to his ankles, Will had to concede that the search was futile. A trip to the mall was in order.
* * *
Finn looked up from his cell phone just in time to join in with the unanimous groan as the door swung open to reveal Coach Sylvester.
‘Good afternoon, slackers!’ She strolled cheerfully over to the desk and took up a piece of chalk. ‘Your regularly scheduled pissant, one Will Schuester, has succumbed to a bad case of the cooties. So Beginner’s Spanish will be replaced with…’ she paused to write on the board. ‘Pie-hole Shutting 101.’ She underlined it twice. ‘Today’s exercise: you will all sit quietly while teacher reads a magazine.’
There was a timid knock at the door. The student’s moved as one, craning their necks in the direction of the disturbance.
* * *
Will was glad for the curtain of his hair to shield him from the curious stares that drilled away at his thin veneer of confidence . With the protective bubble of his authority as an adult and a teacher stripped away, it was like their eyeballs were crawling around under his skin. He wordlessly handed Sue the folded slip of paper in his hand. She slipped on her glasses, unfolded it, and then immediately scrunched it up and tossed it over her shoulder into the wastepaper basket.
‘Alright, Wilma Stevens-’
‘It’s William, actually.’
‘The hair confused me. Just take a seat at the back, next to Hulkling there.’
Will bit back a retort and followed the instruction. He risked a sidelong glance at Brittany and Santana who were alternating between furtive looks and conspiratorial whispering. He just managed make out the words ‘sweatervest’ and ‘busboy’. It didn’t sound promising.
Finn looked up as Will took the seat next to him, and he could feel the cliché little fluttery feeling in his guts at the sight of that familiar little lopsided smile.
‘Hola. Mi nombre es Guillermo.’
‘I… uh… what?’ Finn was just kind of staring, with his mouth half open. He made that face when he was confused, which meant Will had seen it fairly often.
‘Hi, my name is William. This…’ he stopped to look around the room. ‘This is a Spanish class, isn’t it?’
‘Oh! Yeah, yeah. It is. I’m just kind of bad at it.’
‘I see.’
‘My “nombre” is Finn, by the way.’
‘It’s nice to meet you.’
‘It’s nice to meet you too.’
‘Quiet down back there!’
Finn leaned back, narrowly avoiding a piece of chalk as it sailed across the room. He offered Will an apologetic smile and a shrug before turning his attention to his latest text message.
* * *
‘So do you need help finding your way around?’
Will turned to see Finn standing behind him. He had one hand in his pocket, the other devoted to making sure his backpack stayed on his back. Finn had always been tall, but now Will didn’t even come up to his shoulder. It was more than a little daunting.
‘Actually, yeah,' Will lied 'I need to find my locker. Number 273.’
‘No problem, it’s just across from mine. Follow me.’
‘Thanks.’ Will fell into stride with Finn, or at least into stride as he could get, given that Finn’s legs were so much longer. ‘You know, you really should wear both straps, it’s not good for your back.’
‘Yeah, I know. It’s kind of a habit. Your locker’s just here, by the- Oh no.’ Will followed Finn’s gaze. At the end of the corridor, resident knuckleheads, Azimio and Karofsky each had a hold on one of Kurt’s arms, pinning him against the wall. His feet weren’t touching the floor.
‘Guys, come on! Leave him alone.’
‘You stay out of this Hudson.’ Azimio called back.
‘Yeah.’ Karofsky added. ‘Just pipe down and hope your boyfriend comes back in one piece.’ He readied a punch. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut. Before he realized what he was doing, Will was storming up the hallway, shrugging off Finn’s half-hearted attempt to hold him back.
‘Hey! Assholes!’
Kurt hit the floor with a soft thump and a squeak of surprise. The two brutes turned as one to face Will.
‘Are you talking to us?’
Will’s stomach dropped to his shoes, taking his short-lived spurt of courage with it.
Oh crap, I forgot I'm not a teacher.