(no subject)

Jan 29, 2011 01:26

Title: Wild Things
Author: eighthoctave 
Rating: PG
Summary: Finn and Will's journey of childhood.
Pairing: Will/Finn
AN: After a severe bout of ugh brain melting inability to write anything longer than a paragraph I watched where the wild things are, stuck the soundtrack on and cracked out this drabble-ish thing. AU for bi-monthly challenge, I know i'm a month early but I was bored. Initially Finn and Will are 8 and the same age, and best friends. That's it pretty much.

I recommend listening to this whilst reading.

“We should go outside.” Finn looked up from his bed, Will was sat cross legged on his rug, his face buried beneath a book.

“Yeah?” Will glanced up, his too-long curls laid askew on his forehead, a stray ringlet held down by wire framed glasses.

“Yup.” Finn held his toy airplane above his head and demonstrated a loop-de-loop the finest fighter pilot would be proud of.

“But it’s dark, you’re Mom will be mad.” Will folded the already dog eared corner of his page down and dropped it next to him on the floor. Finn propped himself up on his elbows, his chestnut eyes glistening with mischief.

“We can play in the fort.” Will’s eyes flickered with the same mischief at Finn’s proposition.

“Come on, King Finn, we have a fort to defend.” His glasses landed on top of his book as he leapt to his feet.

Quiet feet tiptoed along the hall, muffled laughter escaping lips as Finn tripped on his own feet trying to get to the door handle.

“Shhh.” Finn giggled as they slipped into the garden.

“Welcome to our kingdom.” Will laughed loudly into the air, his head flying backwards.

“King William, take me to our fort.” Finn ran forward Will following closely behind as both boys slipped through the hole in the fence.

Childhood was the fragrance of the evening and the trees seemed to bow as the two kings marched into the wilderness. Finn skipped ahead, braches echoing as he played each with his magnificent staff.

Both stood still, innocent smirks catching the corners of each of their mouths as it came into view. Hours of work one summer afternoon and the destruction of one of Will’s red T-Shirts had made the fort and its flag. 10 Finn sized leaps from the creak, that, in the summers past had been the favourite play place of both boys, who had stripped down to underwear and glided lazily on their backs for what seemed years. Plus 11 leaps from lookout rock, the boulder that they would climb to see far past the creak into the heart of the forest.

Slithers of silver light drenched the fort as Finn dragged Will into it.

Wooden swords, hand crafted by Will’s Dad were propped in the corner of the fort; blankets were folded neatly in a tin box along with two Hershey’s chocolate bars and half a packet of sour patch kids. However, their most prized part of the fort was the sixth plank up on the left wall. That particular plank was covered in their drawings. Dragons and wolves and runaway monsters, all things reminiscent of childhood escapades.

They leapt around the darkened woods bashing swords by moonlight. Finn ran forward catching Will’s arm with the wooden blade. Will tumbled into the mud with a laugh Finn swiftly locking his knees on either side of Will’s stomach.

“You okay?” Finn asked with a smile pushing Will’s shoulders into the ground.

“Yeah.” Will laughed and rolled Finn over until it was an out and out wrestling match between them. Both were caked in mud, Will hovering above Finn when it happened. Breath pooled in front of them, eyes locked as Will quickly pressed his lips to Finn’s.

“Finn, Will are you out here?” Finn pushed Will off him giggling as she approached. “Look at you both! I’ll have to give you a bath, you look like nobody owns you.” Carole ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. “What did I tell you about coming out here when it’s dark? Put the swords away and come inside, I’ll go start the bath.” Carole walked back into the garden.

“Grown ups are stupid.” Finn laughed and locked his fingers with Will’s.


“We won’t be like that when we’re grown up will we?” Finn dragged Will up with him and they walked hand in hand back to the house.

“No of course not.”

Finn had always loved having a bunk, particularly because, with the aid of several blankets and some knots he had his indoor hideout. He and Will were both lying on the bed, freshly bathed and dressed.

“I liked that kiss.” Finn mumbled and looked shyly towards Will.

“Me too.”

“We’re going to be together forever right?”

“I hope so.” And the two locked their fingers together, the two Kings of the fort.

“Love you so much.” Will mumbled kissing a lazy path along Finn’s jaw line.

“Love you too King Will.” He tugged the blanket over them both and curled his toes with a laugh.

The flag was now an off pink; the creak only 5 Finn sized leaps away; the Hershey’s replaced with two cans of beer and both now favoured going without underwear in the water. However it was still their fort. The place they’d first kissed, the place they’d first had sex. In amongst the faded dragons on the sixth plank lay the initials W.S and F.H in a red marker pen heart. Even though they were 18, ten years past from that night, they were still King William and Finn.

And in the left corner, hidden behind stacks of school work and Will’s ever expanding book collection lay two wooden swords, hand crafted by Will’s Dad.

fanwork: fanfic, !bi-monthly challenge, contributor: eighthoctave, rating: pg

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