Meg ;; 10 icons (and also a request)

Jun 16, 2009 20:38

So basically my laptop just exploded, which means 1) I lost all the icons I had been making and 2) I lost all the bases for the rest of the post (I was about half done, sob).

This is all I have uploaded anywhere, and I really don't feel like hanging onto them until I can make ~90 more icons, so (is it stupid to put a preview for ten icons? PROBABLY; the icon I'm posting with is new though):







007 seems to have disappeared lol




Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

So that's it. :(

Anyway: I know I asked for stuff to icon back in February, but I really don't feel like going through the stuff I already went through at the mo and re-getting bases. :( SO since it's been a little while, rec stuff for me to read/color/icon plz (PRETTY FONT IS SURE TO WORK 8( I HOPE)

Since the last post I've checked out Loveless and Blade of the Immortal (as well as March Story and Defense Devil, although they weren't mentioned), soooo anything besides those would be rad. Even if it only has one chapter. 8)

! icons by pinkrum

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