Reading Doormats

Apr 04, 2009 23:24

Mate, I've been reading doormats! I went out one night and sniffed a doormat like my buddy
Poly told me to do and suddenly I was transported to another world. Mate, the doormat said
that once upon a time there was a black and white cat, (a very handsome chap apparently,
but that's by the by) and this cat loved going into sheds.

Random picture, featuring myself, used for illustration only ...

You just chance to open the shed door mate, and this cat was in! Sometimes you wouldn't
even know he had gone in! Anyway, there were lots of sheds and shops with storerooms
near this handsome cat's house, and rumour has it, the amazingly handsome, talented and
brilliant black and white cat got locked in a shed for 2 days, with no Marmer thing, or little
brother, or dogs, or water, or FOOD! Yeah that's right, NO FOOD! For about 48 hours!!!

Several days came to pass and there was much sadness in the household, it being thought
that the cat was gone forever. However, on the second day, the cat returned home to a
rapturous reception with many pats, many kisses laced with fur and whiskers on human
lips and widespread rejoicing. The mat then told me that the cat talked and talked for
quite some time, "row" this and "ra ra rowwww" that. He seemed quite crabby, but happy
at the same time that he was back at home. He had a big drink, 3 bowls of food, and said
he would not be going too far from home for quite some time ...
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