Well this weekend was amazing, so I will tell you all about it.
Friday was a house party at Meghan's house in Peterborough For a little while during the day we couldn't make it that night, due to a family emergency at Nick's. Thankfully, everything worked out, at least for the time being and Nick and I headed out around 8, after a delightful dinner at Shoeless Joe's. We made it up to Peterborough just before ten and brought the shit inside. In my room right now I don't have a mattress, just a boxspring and a bedframe, so Nick blew up an air matress the night before and brought it up in the truck to put on my boxspring. Unfortunately, it leaked major air on the ride up and Nick had to spend about 20 minutes trying to blow it back up again before we could leave. Sarah's boyfriend Mark drove the four of us to Meghan's house, where Andrew, Martin, and a very drunk Jody and Alex met us in the smoking room. We settled in and chatted for a bit, breaking out the classy wine that Sarah and I had purchased. The evening continue quite normally and Sarah and I (stupidly) polished off our wine way too quickly. From then on, I can only remember the following:
- Crawling around in someone's room with Meghan, where we played with the cat and I complimented her on her cute skirt.
- Going upstairs with Sarah and looking around, then stumbling hardcore getting down the stairs.
- Loking at the window that was broken, trying to assure Jody that it was okay, her pushing me and yelling at me that it wasn't okay and telling me I shouldn't have broken the window (which I didn't).
- Mixing a very strong Vodka and Coke, which I couldn't taste but downed anyway.A
And that's about it. I remember vaguely when Nick told me it was time to leave and me stepping on glass from the front door, and then I passed out on the way to Mark's car. Nick had to carry me, fire man style, because I was completely unconscious (well, my body was but my mind was so aware of what was going on- strange, I know). During the five minute car ride back, I stopped breathing two or three times and I remember Nick blowing air into my lungs and talking to Mark about whether or not they should bring me to the hospital. We got back to my house and Nick carried me in the house and upstairs. I went to go pass out on the bed and missed, causing me to fall face first on the hardwood floor (this, I can imagine, would have been funny to see). He got me into bed and tried to undress me so I would be more comfortable while sleeping. I distinctly remember muttering to him, "not now, baby, we will do it in the morning- I'm not in the mood," which he probably replied with a roll of the eyes or something like that (God I am a horny loser). I slept pretty peacefully, surprisingly, but perhaps that was because I knew I had Nick in the bed with me to watch over (which he did for two hours after I had fallen asleep to make sure I was still breathing). I love that boy so much.
Saturday we woke up and chatted with Sarah for a bit then the three of us headed to Smitty's (this restaurant in Peterborough that is crawling with elderly people on weekend mornings) for breakfast. She wasn't feeling well, so I made sure that she would be okay to drive home and then we parted ways. Nick and I went back to the house, cleaned things up and then headed home.
Saturday night I went out for dinner/arcade games with Mandy, which was awesome. We got to talk for the whole evening, which is an opportunity I very rarely get with that girl! I loved playing the games, even though she managed to rack up almost 500 tickets and I got 183. How pathetic. We need to see each again soon and not leave it so long this time.
Yesterday was an incredible day. I went out for breakfast with Sami to Cora's, only the best breakfast place in the entire world. We ate good food and talked about life. I love that girl. Then Nick came to pick me up at about 12 and we headed to Toronto for the day. We had tickets to go see the Blue Man group, which was an incredible show. For any of you who have not heard of it, it is this show that combines music, art and theatre with a modern twist. It spoke a lot about the ways such modern technologies as animation and the Internet influence our society and the interaction we have with others. It was actually really interesting because a lot of the concepts that the presentation discussed were talked about in Cultural Studies- I felt like I was becoming Molly. Seriously though, it was an amazing show and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to see a performance of something different than the typical pop influences out there.
After the show was over Nick and I walked down Yonge Street to check out some shops there, eventually ending up at the huge Stage shop on south of Yonge and College. We spent almost an hour there, looking around and checking out some stuff they had there. It was a great shop and it had a huge selection with some things you wouldn't find in smaller chains. We kept going to the Eaton's Centre, shopping around there for a bit and then we ate dinner at Mr. Greenjeans, where I had delicious cocktails and yummy vegetarian sandwiches (much to Nick's horror, who had a 20oz peppercorn steak and beer). We headed back to the truck and he dropped me off around 830. I had a shower, read Harry Potter until 1130 and then fell fast asleep.
All in all, it was an amazing weekend. I really wish that I hadn't got so completely loaded on Friday so I could have actually spent some quality time with Meg and Andrew and not completely scared the shit out of Nick the way I did (I felt somewhat silly when I woke up, but I guess that is what happens with you cut back on drinking over the summer months!), but oh well, there will be plenty of partying time in the year to come, I am sure!