(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 09:41

What good is "local news" when they dismiss a fire that's right next to you as nothing important and they'll report on it later on the prime time news? I would like to know NOW whether or not I can stop being freaked out, thank you very much.

See, just as I was about to get into the shower, I heard a bunch of sirens, so I went over to a window where I could see the street and saw 2 ambulances and 4 fire trucks go by within about 10 minutes. Rather alarmed, I decided to postpone my shower and attempt to determine what was going on. So I turned on the TV to the main local station (which unhelpfully had Good Morning America or whatever on), and went online to the local newspaper's website (never very helpful) and the local TV news website. I even clicked on the news radio link on the newspaper's site. Nothing.

So I'm sitting here freaking out while more sirens keep going by (there were still only 4 fire trucks and 2 ambulances total, but I was looking up stuff while they were still going by). This started around 8:35am. I sat here rather nervously, running to various windows every few minutes to see if I could see any smoke (oh, see, it's also rather windy and dry today, hence the prospect of a fire nearby is scarier than on a nice calm day), but I couldn't see any.

Finally, at about 8:55am, they had a local news mini-update at the end of Good Morning America, which lasted about a minute or two total and talked about the fire for about 3 seconds: "Oh there's a fire out in Goleta on Cinderella Lane and they don't know if anyone's inside but we're just going to wait and tell you more about that later tonight on the 5 o'clock news."

Cinderella Lane being just two streets over from me, I was not reassured and continued to hopelessly refresh the useless websites, while cursing our stupid "local" news and still peeking apprehensively out the window from time to time.

I still never found anything helpful on any of the websites and nothing else on the TV or radio. But in my obsessive window peeking I did see two of the fire trucks leave (the ambulances both left early on, and I probably missed seeing the other fire trucks go by), and since they never closed the street to traffic, I feel reassured that it's probably safe for me to take my shower now.

But still. Local news sucks.

news, grrr, fire

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