*Sailor V kick!*

Jun 13, 2006 20:38

I kicked a bunch of kids out around 7:45pm. It's nice and quiet now. Sometimes I really hate the computer brat teens.

They were being all kinds of obnoxious today. They had already been collectively warned for swearing and general loudness before I got here at 4pm, and then I had to warn them about loudness again later. And then around 7:45pm three of them started pushing each other around. So I asked what the problem was and Hunched-Over Kid (name concealed to protect the ... bratty?) replied that they were "just playing".

Too bad. Bye-bye, kids. (Little did they know that I had eagerly been waiting to kick them out for most of my shift.)

So I got them around the corner to in front of the circ desk. Then one of the kids (who's generally good) said he had to tell his sister he was leaving, so I said okay. Then one of the other kids said his mom was in the library and he had to tell her, but I don't trust him, so I said too bad. And Hunched-Over Kid was just kind of hanging around. So Josh came over to help me kick them out.

But they didn't leave yet. Instead they stayed in the lobby and started messing around again. So then Joseph from the circ desk and Josh from the info desk and me from the kids' desk all went out and made them leave the building.

Sometimes I wish I could literally kick them out.

work: sbpl, computer brats, grrr

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