a dozen dreams to dance to you

Apr 27, 2006 13:26

I called my little sister Claire again last night because she had called while I was at work on Monday. And we talked for another hour. I love her; she's adorable. She wanted to trade places with me 'cause I'm an adult and I get to do stuff, so I told her about all the non-fun stuff that adults have to do too, like taxes and working all year with no summer vacation (unless you're a teacher) and the other stuff that makes me wish I was a kid again. :P She wasn't convinced, though. And there was lots more random chatting about school and work and boys (shh! that part of the conversation was secret! ^_~) and travelling. She totally made my day. ♥

In other news, I'm working like mad to finish my job application before I leave. It's SO stressful to do job apps and resumes and stuff. >_< Now I know why people stay in jobs they hate forever. It's even harder because I don't even think I'll get this job. (I don't need you all to chime in with how wonderful you think I am, as this isn't a self-esteem thing, just a realistic assessment of my qualifications.) But I'm making myself do this because I need the experience of dealing with harder applications and interviews for higher-up jobs.

At work today, I rescued someone's paper. The computers are timed for 30 minutes, and when the time is up it kicks you off and closes whatever programs you had open. So this girl (she looked like she was college age-ish) comes up to my desk and starts spewing words at me about how she lost her paper ('cause she didn't save it and her time expired before she could print it). She was apparently on a computer upstairs and the person at the reference desk told her that the paper was just gone, so she came downstairs to me (I have no idea why...). And since it was Thursday morning and hence absolutely dead in the children's area, I went back upstairs with her to recover her paper (since Word is pretty cool on occasion and saves stuff that you haven't saved when it's closed). Fortunately, the guy who had taken over the girl's computer when her time expired was nice and let us back on that computer (a lot of the computer users can be pretty stingy) so we could print her paper. And I got to show the reference librarian there how to recover a paper for future incidents. That was the highlight of my day. :)

And tomorrow I'm off to England! Wheeeee!!! :D Well, we're leaving tomorrow but we won't get to Heathrow 'til late Saturday morning. *bounces excitedly* I'm going to have sooo much fun being a book geek over there! And I'll take lots of pictures and stuff so I can make a cool photo diary for y'all when I get back.

One last poem:


Keep a poem in your pocket
and a picture in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed.

The little poem will sing to you
the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you're in bed.

Keep a picture in your pocket
and a poem in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed.

~ "Keep A Poem In Your Pocket" by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers


Sadly, that is all for Poetry Month from me since I'm leaving tomorrow(!). However, if you are so inclined, I shall refer you to poets.org to browse around for more poems. They also have a poem-a-day thing (linked on the main page), so you can just check those out if you want. I hope you've enjoyed my selection of poems this month, and you're free from my poetry spammage for another year. ;)

Obviously I'll be out of touch for a while, although we do plan to stop in at a few libraries for internet access at some point. No promises on whether or not I'll actually make it to the internet, though, since I'll probably be distracted by being a library geek... :P So try not to miss me too much!

Bye for a while~! ♥

work: sbpl, travel, other family, computers, places: england, poetry month

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