OMG, I have just spent two and a quarter hours in a room with three of my heroes, two other awesome people, and an audience of like-minded librarians. I am incoherent with squee, people. My mind is pretty much reduced to askdfklhgh.
The panel was called "What Makes Tango So Scary? Serving Your Whole Library Population, Intellectual Freedom, and Censorship of LGBT Children's Books" which focused, of course, on the picture book And Tango Makes Three, which has been #1 on the ALA's [
list of most frequently challenged books] since 2006 (it was published in 2005). And on the panel of awesome people were Jamie LaRue, who is [
my freedom to read hero], and the authors of Tango, Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, who are my heroes for writing [
the book] that got me interested in LGBT issues.
I always have major problems talking to my heroes, so when I go see a favourite author, I'm horribly tongue-tied and can never think of anything clever or even remotely intelligent to say. But I made myself go tell Justin Richardson how much I love Tango and how it got me interested in LGBT issues because it really is that important to me (Peter Parnell had to duck out to go attend to their own Tango ♥).
I am just full to bursting with squee. Like, tears in my eyes kind of squee. Serious, serious squee because I really, really want to be brave and tactful and awesome and intelligent like these people.