omg, i'm so tiiiiiiired....... i only got like 5 hours of sleep last night 'cause i just couldn't fall asleep. i hate it when that happens.
work today was filled with evilness. (this is my regular shift, so no one has to smack me, 'kay?) so we've got a virus being emailed around campus, purporting to be from the mailer-daemon thingy, which Bryn Mawr doesn't even have. (if you send an email to a non-existent address, it unhelpfully just gets lost in the void.) anyway, this email of course has a lovely little attachment for you to click and download the joy that is MyDoom. AND this shift is the one i don't have a coworker for, so i had like 6 infected computers (oh and one random Apple computer a prof had installed a PC wireless card on... -_-;;), phone calls to answer (some people actually called before opening the attachment, yay!), and a professor who didn't know how to burn a CD to help. i cleaned 4 computers during my 2 hour shift. it's nice when you call someone to tell them they can get their computer back and they're very happy and grateful. but still, viruses suck. at least this outbreak wasn't during finals week though (that happened last year, so NOT cool). *stabs evil virus making people*
i'm tired so i should sleep. Frank is feeling better so my work is done. ^__^
HUGE survey stolen from Jennie. but the questions are more interesting than the standard survey questions. i hope i didn't mess up the coding from my sleepiness...
Abortion?: i have no idea whether or not i personally would be able to go through with one. but i definitely think i deserve the right to make that choice for myself, as does every woman.
Death Penalty?: i don't think our justice systems are - or ever will be - flawless enough to determine whether someone should live or die.
Prostitution?: I like Holland's situation. Unionized, protected, etc. Taken care of many problems. Short of heavy drug usage, I find it difficult to see in the modern world why women would still be reduced to the profession. I don't think I'm articulating correctly here. <--- that sounds reasonable. i think you articulated well enough.
Alcohol?: i don't like it and i don't particularly like being around drunk people, but i wouldn't ban it or anything. some people like it, some people don't. whatever. drinking excessively, however, is not cool.
Marijuana?: um...
Other drugs?: no.
Gay marriage?: OMG why cant they get married? It's stupid. If you love someone and want to marry them, why should your sexuality stop you. It's retarded and when i become President of Ireland, i shall make it legal. <--- Thank you, Missy. 'cept for me when i become president of the usa. <--- i agree with Missy and Jennie. i don't care whether you think homosexuality is something you're born with or not. it's your choice who you love and i don't think anyone should have the right to say you can't get married to the person you love just because you happen to be the same gender.
Illegal immigrants?: excepting the na's, this country was founded on immigration; maybe some safety regulations are in order, but it would be hypocritical and wrong to try to keep out those who seek better life opportunities. <--- i agree with Jennie. i've been doing a lot of reading about illegal immigrants from Mexico for my Spanish class, and they really need to do something. these people risk their lives to come here for a reason. also, regardless of the illegal immigrant problem, the border patrol (on both sides) definitely needs major improvement. when young women are raped and murdered and neither side wants to investigate, that's just wrong.
Smoking?: i don't, and i've never tried it. i have asthma and i almost always have a cough anyway, so i have no desire to damage my lungs further. i do understand that it's addictive, though, and i also hate that so many high-profile people smoke.
Drunk driving?: RETARDED. Why would you get into your car drunk?!?! It's just stupid. <--- Again, bow to Missy. <--- ditto.
Cloning?: i'm definitely against it. i just don't think it's something we should be messing with. what if you found out you were someone else's clone? what would that do to your sense of "self"? i kinda wrote a paper along those lines. but like Jennie said, the thing with cloning is how do you clone a living being's essence/spirit/soul? whether or not you believe in God, every living thing has something unique about them that makes them who/what they are - how can you clone that?
Racism?: it really bothers me. i think the thing that bothers me the most is that i just cannot fathom hating someone because of some racial characteristic rather than a character flaw. to think that someone is inherently "Other" because of their skin color or whatever just makes no sense. when you label someone as "Other" you're completely separating them from having any similarities with yourself at all. but we're all humans. we come in different sizes and shapes and colors, but that's what makes us unique. how boring would life be if everyone was the same?
Premarital sex?: I'll paraphrase my mom on this, and she surprised me: you do yourself a disservice by not having sex before marriage. not only do you delay your development as a human being, but you can learn a lot about how selfish/selfless a person is in the bedroom. whether they're concerned about their sensations or satisfying you is quite revealing. <--- Jennie's mom is very wise. that sounds very true. personally, i have no problem with premarital sex, and i agree that it's a good thing to know whether or not you and your partner are compatible in the bedroom as well as in other contexts.
Religion?: i'm like Jennie and i kind of like bits and pieces of various religions. i do believe in God, though.
The war in Iraq?: ugh. it was wrong to begin with, and it needs to stop already. prolonging the war for our own interests is just so selfish and wrong, especially when people are dying because of it.
Bush?: infuriating, but more of a puppet than anything. it's the forces behind those strings that truly terrify me. <--- agree with Jennie.
Downloading music?: clearly this is how people want to get their music these days. the fact that so many Americans download music illegally is saying something about how people want to get their music, and rather than attempting to ban all P2P programs or sue half the population, the RIAA should probably think about that. i know i'm annoyed when i really like one song and have to buy a whole CD just to get it. so i don't approve of downloading music illegally, but i like the sites that sell individual songs.
The legal drinking age?: should be 18. voting, go to war, but unable to drink? not right. <--- i agree with Jennie. it never made sense to me why you're considered an adult at 18 but yet not adult enough to drink.
Porn?: i have no interest in it, but i don't think it should be illegal. i don't have a problem with it being "out there", i just don't want anything to do with it.
Suicide?: selfish and at the same time so incredibly sad. it's selfish to take your own life without caring about the consequences for the people who care about you, but i understand that you have to be really really disappointed with life in order to do that.
Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: yeah.
Retarded?: no.
Ugly?: don't think so.
Hot?: nope.
Fat?: not in so many words.
Anorexic?: no.
A waste of space?: no.
Useless?: yes.
Smelly?: no.
A Slut?: nope.
Beautiful?: yes.
Smart?: yeah.
Quiet?: all the time.
Boring?: yep.
A Bitch?: yeah, not before last December though. stupid all-night shift...
Rebel?: no.
Conceited?: yes.
What are you wearing?: dark green Stonehenge t-shirt, light yellow pj pants with blue stars, pink Eeyore socks, and gray slippers. i'm so styling, even when i'm ready for bed. XD
Who are you talking to?: no one.
How is the weather?: cold, wet (not raining, but it's supposed to later).
What are you listening to?: ¿Dónde están los ladrones? ~ Shakira
What/Who are you thinking about?: Frank, la-chan, Jennie.
What are you looking forward to?: good question...
What are you dreading?: philosophy class. as usual. *stabs philosophy book*
How are you feeling?: stressed, worried, angry...
How is your hair?: braided.
What are you annoyed by?: people.
What emotion do you feel the most?: er... stress... >.<
What emotion is the best?: happiness, being loved.
Worst?: not being loved, being forgotten, loneliness.
What songs make you cry?: songs don't make me cry by themselves. if i cry at a song, it's because it reminds me of something else.
What movies make you cry?: i'm totally blanking right now. tiiiiiired...
What always cheers you up?: friends, reading for fun instead of for class, writing.
What makes you madder than anything?: selfishness (in myself and in other people). people who refuse to communicate. immaturity and lack of respect. people who harass my friends.
What hurts you the most?: when my friends and family are hurting. being told that i'm not a good friend.
Who makes you happy?: my friends, especially Jennie, Frank, and Sam.
Depressed?: not telling.
Are you a really emotional person?: more than i show, but not overly emotional.
What do you do when you're depressed?: when i'm at my worst, i hide from people. like entirely. shut myself in my room and stay offline. i'm trying to stop doing that.
What song do you think was written about your life?: i can't think of one at the moment.
When Was The Last Time You...
Burped?: yesterday.
Went to the movies?: last Friday to see Because of Winn-Dixie.
Went out to eat?: i'm assuming the dining halls outside of my dorm don't count as "out".......
Cried?: yesterday.
Got dumped?: never.
Dumped someone?: Hmmmm need to get a boy first. <-- exactly.
Threw up?: not in a long time, yay!
Went skating?: um, a year or two ago?
Went for a walk?: Friday.
Ate ice cream?: Sunday.
Got into a fight?: not in a while.
Do you do drugs?: nope. (my inhaler doesn't count, does it....?)
Do you have a mental disablity/illness?: nope.
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: nope.
What kind?: n/a.
Do you have or have you ever had an eating disorder?: nope.
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: just heart disease i think.
Do You...
Do you drink [alcohol]?: nope, don't like it.
Do you party a lot?: very rarely.
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes?: no.
How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: far too often. >.<
Do you skip classes? How often?: no. the most i ever skipped was a bunch in sophomore year, but other than that i rarely skip. i feel bad when i skip. so i have to be really sick or really stressed before i'll skip class.
Do you steal?: no.
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: no... does that mean i wear "appropriate" clothing.....? hmm......
Do you drool over celebrities?: in a i'm-never-going-to-meet-them-so-i'll-just-appreciate-their-hotness kind of way.
Do you watch a lot of TV?: no.
Do you ever watch the news?: occasionally. it's so depressing, though.
Do you read books often?: do you have to ask? i loooooooove books. i'm a huge book geek. i'm all swamped with academic reading now, but i try to do a little fun reading here and there 'cause i can't survive without stories.
Are you failing a lot of your classes?: er... *worried about the evil philosophy class* but i don't think i'm failing it.
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: no.
Do you smoke cigarettes?: nope.
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens?: no.
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: no, not often.
Do you cuss a lot?: no. i only cuss when i'm alone (and usually in German or Spanish). i don't like to cuss in the presence of others. if i ever cuss in front of you, things are really bad...
Are you desperate to fit in?: i like feeling like i belong, but to me that's not the same as "fitting in". "fitting in" to me implies having to change yourself in order to "fit in" and i won't do that. but i do worry about belonging.
Are you intelligent?: yeah.
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: nooooooo...
Make-up?: XD my first thought was Sailor Moon. but no, i don't wear makeup.
Low-cut tops?: a few, but they're not very low, and i don't wear them very often.
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: i don't think so. i have other annoying habits though...
Giggle a lot?: yeah...
YM, Teen, Cosmo, at all?: Japanese Seventeen..... XD
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
Cried: yes.
Bought something: yes.
Gotten sick: no. yay!
Sang: yep.
Eaten: yes. since i'm not fasting or anything.
Been kissed: nope.
Felt stupid: yep.
Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no.
Met someone new: nope.
Moved on: no...
Talked to someone you have a crush on: possibly.
Had a serious talk: yeah.
Missed someone: all the time.
Hugged someone: no... ;__;
Fought with your parents: no.
Dreamed about someone you can't be with: nope.
Who is your role model: as of tonight, la-chan! XD seriously, it changes all the time.
What are some of your pet peeves: spelling mistakes... >.< philosophy... >.< people who don't listen to what you say. oh, and of course, the EVIL IDIOTS who make viruses!!!
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Dude, that's a rite-of-passage of puberty. Of course. <--- well-put, Jennie.
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yeah.
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: like, type of person i always get a crush on? not really. just someone who makes me smile.
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): yeah. but i think i'm over that now. i only ever lie about myself.
Want someone you don't have right now: yes.
Ever liked your friend: yeah.
Do you want to get married: yep.
Do you want kids: yes.
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no.
Are you happy with you: mostly.
Are you happy with your life: yes. i love my parents and they've given me a great life so far.
If you could change something in your life right now, what would you change?: A man would be nice, but not necessary. <--- yesh, Jennie is right again. she is so wise.
Pierce your nose or tongue?: >.< no!
Be serious or be funny?: funny!
Do you have a crush?: i think i might be getting one...
Who is it?: wouldn't you like to know, you freakishly long survey thing you?