I was going to do a step by step thingie with this pineapple.
But once again I got all caught up in the process and only have 4 progress pics to show.
The carving is out of a high density foam.
Used mostly for signs...and a total blast to play around with.
It's pretty nausiating, and requires a high level of "dust tolerance"
...because the dust gets
E V E R Y W H E R E.
Only 4 pics behind the cut, but they are pretty big....
This was my first attempt at carving a pineapple out of foam. I've worked/played around with it before.
This flower is carved outta the same type of foam.I've come to realize that 'art people' don't know what the hell the foam is, and really don't understand it. Even though it's very similar to other hard foams out there used for carving. lol!
Most of the emails I get, regarding the foam are from sign people, I got one once, from a 'art collector' who thought it was Styrofoam. :-/
I had a drawing to go off of, and a copy of what the sign is going to look like.
Ended up just free handing the pineapple onto the foam, and of course took some 'artistic license' to change some very minor details.
Since it was my first attempt at a pineapple, I thought it would be a good idea to have a sketched out Oh Shit! back up pineapple, at the ready. ;-)
Jigsawed out the basic shape, dremel a bit, jigsaw some more, then dremeled again.
Until I got a good shape and didn't have much to dremel out of the foam.
We had to make a temporary booth, out of plastic drop clothes, So I could have the rest of the studio sealed off, and contain most of the dust. J did a most excellent job, making the 'booth'.
(it can be used for airbrushing too, Yay!!)
So, this is where I get way to into what I'm doing, and forget to take more pics.
The entire process took a while. Since I take a wee little bit of foam off at a time. Using 80 billion different dremel bits.
Some made for metal, some for wood, some for...
I have no idea, but they were neat looking, so I bought 'em. lol.
Plus, I had to take bathroom breaks and eat lunch...not to mention the random goofing off the one MUST do.
So, after about 5 hours, one PB&J, and 2 Heineken's.
I finished.
I am rather please with the results. :-)
Next, it will get painted and then attached to the sign.
Go Me.