Apr 21, 2011 21:47
Nobody really knows all of me.
Sometimes I think that's a good thing,
but then there're times where that scares me.
Someone says they like me, that they want to be friends.
Or something like that.
Then at some point they'll say something like,
"Wow, I never would have thought that of you!"
And when it's something of importance, something that is an essential part of me, I wonder if they ever really liked me, or just someone they thought was me, never seeing the whole picture.
Obviously, few people will ever know us to such an extend that could be called "complete".
You have to know someone for quite a while to really know them.
I want to get to know people like that, and want them to know me in return.
And untill that point where you know someone well... I'm always afraid people will find something out about me that will scare them away.
While I'm at it ("scaring people away", that is):
If it weren't for that, I might be really clingy.
As it is, I'm reluctant to demand things of my friends.
I really do want to hug you all more often,
and call you on skype,
and visit you,
or have you over,
or just meet somewhere,
or take pictures at conventions just for fun.
But I don't want to ask, because someone might say "yes" and mean "no".
...this makes no sense, does it?
Nevermind. ^^;;
Welcome to the inner drama of Jeanne. XD
real life,