I don't quite remember when I started watching Star Trek. My mother was always a big fan and the Enterprise (under both Captain Kirk and Captain Picard) as well as the Voyager have been constant and enjoyable parts of my childhood and teenage years. I loved watching this shows with my mother as it was something we had in common.
That was before I discovered yaoi (or rather slash in this context).
After my First Contact (pun intended) with this wonder that was to enrich my life (lol) I tried to apply it to the fandoms I already knew, which at the time included one of my favorites: Star Trek Voyager.
Sadly, it didn't work. I looked at Tom/Kim and found it boring, I tried Chakotay/Tom and didn't see the appeal (I'm still rather fond of Janeway/Chakotay and can't get behind the idea of Chakotay and Seven). And while I couldn't deny that Kirk and Spock were unbelievably gay for each other I never found my way into the world of Star Trek slash, which is kind of ironic, seeing how it's where the term itself stems from.
Fast forward to today.
I just watched the TNG episode
The Pegasus on youtube. I hadn't seen it yet (bad nerd, no cookie) and first thought it was a joke episode (the USS Crazy Horse, really?), but I quickly realized that, better yet, it was a Riker-episode! And like pretty much every little fangirl out there, I loved the hell out of Riker (I also like Tom Paris, obviously).
Quick summary: Riker made a mistake waaay back and now he'd love to tell the Captain all about it, confess his sins and be done with, but an Admiral forbids him from doing so. Riker feels all bad about it and Picard is sad because his Number One won't love him most of all.
At the end Riker of course sides with his Captain and all ends will (which we know because Riker's gonna be on the Enterprise for a few more seasons).
But the way he was sitting in that arrest cell, all slumped posture like a dog who knows he's been bad, and how he only reverted back to something like his old confident self when Picard told him he'd done the right thing and he'd still want him as first officer... well. I figured that Riker didn't care so much about the court martial and the star fleet command, he cared about what Picard thought of him most. He didn't need anyone's forgiveness but his.
And now I want there to be a spanking.
Spankings make everything better! ^____^x
It took me over ten years to find slash in Star Trek. I feel a little more... complete now, I think.