GreatestJournal Now

Jun 10, 2007 13:41

I have one. Just 'cause.

And I made post!


It's a wee drabble. And the (hopefully) start of something longer.

EDIT: There is another drabble up! TWO! In one day! OMG, I think I might just fall over dead! This has never happened to me before. This is the beginning of the MOOD-DRABBLES! BWAhahahahahaahahahaaha...*cough, hack*

EDIT2: There is yet another drabble up! priratepurple is also made of awesome, nursing me along as I struggle with which Mood to pick next for my drabbles! OMG this is so much fun! And also, check out my painting! I cropped it first and made an icon, sorry...

drabbles, greatestjournal, fic, art, icon

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