[V6] Gakkou e Ikou MAX Summer Festival 2005 (2005.08.30)

Mar 22, 2010 17:25

Requested by niemochan

T/N: I will release translation scripts in parts, according to each of their destinations! The first part covers the introduction to the end of the first destination - waterfall sliding.
Extra T/N: Although it says 日本の学生 (Japanese students) in the original script, I've taken out the "Japanese" part, because I think it's quite obvious that V6 isn't interacting with any student outside of Japan anyway.

Part One

V6: Rock goes first, rock paper scissors!
Narrator: Tonight, Gakkou e Ikou MAX is a 2-hr special showing the world's greatest summer vacation! On their first Kyushu field trip, V6 goes wild with the students! Coming up at 6:55PM tonight!

[17 August, 2005
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse]

[Gakkou e Ikou MAX Summer Festival
Opening Ceremony]

Host: We will now light the sacred flame for Gakkou e Ikou MAX's Summer Festival!

[Oda Shinichiro
PRIDE Ring Announcer]

Host: The torch bearer is Ide Satoru-kun, "The student with a 24-hr frown"!

[Ide Satoru (JAPAN)
The student with a 24-hr frown]

Ide: I'm going to light it.
Ide: The festival has begun.

Narrator: Tonight, Gakkou e Ikou MAX will be a 2-hr special! 3,000 students have gathered at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse! V6 will interact with students on a one-night, two-day vacation in Kyushu. We hope to relive the best memories of this summer with everyone tonight!

Narrator: Gakkou e Ikou MAX
Narrator: The best and greatest Summer Festival!
Narrator: A special with 15 million students ready for action!!

[Tonight, we bring you the best memories of this summer vacation...

After the break, V6's one-night, two-day vacation in Kyushu will start!]

[Mino Monta]

Mino: Tonight is the summer's last 2-hr special!

[Watanabe Marina] [Kaho]

Inocchi: Whoa... this is totally how summer should end! Makes you happy, doesn't it?
Mino: It's great! Great! Okay, let's do this! Here's the first item on the agenda!

Narrator: July, 2005. The long-awaited summer vacation has finally arrived in Japan. Meanwhile, in Nangoku's Kyushu, the sacred summer vacation spot...
Narrator: The entire prefecture of Kyushu is a stage for these six men to unfold an adorable two-day tale. Our story begins in a certain ramen shop in Fukuoka.

Morita: By the way,
Staff: Yes?
Morita: these guys are calling themselves "Ton-6"? (*note: "Ton" means "pork".)
Staff: They probably saw "Nan-6", so...
Morita: Ah!

Narrator: The truth is, the three of them have no idea that they're going on a wonderful summer vacation. They came to Fukuoka because they were told that they had a meeting with "Ton-6", a fake group that the staff made up.

[They're supposed to meet the fake dance group, "Ton-6".]

Narrator: However, in the shop...

Statue: Welcome!
Miyake: What is this?
Statue: You've come a long way, guys!
Morita: You scared me!!
Miyake: Wait, why has this been set up over here?
Statue: You guys had great reactions!
Morita: Of course we would! We came in thinking this was a ramen shop!
Statue: Well, doesn't matter. Come have a seat!
Morita: Can we really sit?
Miyake: Can we?
Statue: Yes, go ahead.
Okada: Huh? Are you Kin-chan?
Statue: I'm Kinjiro's cousin!
Morita: What? What? His cousin!?

Narrator: And of course, the next three members have been tricked the same way as well.

[After this, the next three are tricked in the same way.]

Statue: We've got more people!
Inocchi: Why are you guys here?
Statue: You've come a long way!
Inocchi: (overlap) Why are you here?
Statue: Well, have a seat! Have a seat!
Inocchi: Who are you?

Narrator: Having tricked V6 into gathering in Kyushu, we'll finally tell them the real reason why they're here.

Statue: Listen! You guys! I have exciting news for you!
All: Ooh! What is it? What is it?
Statue: First of all, please have a look at this.

Mino: Hello, V6.
Nagano: It's Mino-san!
Mino: The truth is, today, we have a fabulous present for you. If you want to know what it is...
Nagano: What is it, what is it?
Miyake: What?
Inocchi: Don't pause for so long in your own dressing room! And he's in his casual clothes, isn't he?
Nagano: Hurry up and tell us!
Inocchi: Stop it!
Mino: Okay! We're giving you guys a two-day summer vacation! Please enjoy Kyushu to your heart's content!

Nagano: Really?
Miyake: That's awesome!
Nagano: Is this for real?

Narrator: That's right! This time, Mino-san wants V6 to have the best and greatest summer vacation! He surprised them with a present of a free and easy one-night, two-day Kyushu trip! In addition to that, the staff has prepared special tour packages that you can't find in travel guides!

Statue: For this trip, we've interviewed Kyushu students for special summer vacation spots!
Nagano: Oh that's great!

Narrator: Kyushu students
Narrator: Who know of vacation spots in the area!

[Kumamoto Prefecture]

(high school 2nd years)]

Staff: Hello!
Students: Hello!
Staff: Hi.
Students: Hii.
Staff: What do you guys do in the summer?
Girl: We do canoeing.
Staff: What?
Girl: We have canoe practice.
Staff: You all have canoe practice?
Girl: Yes.
Boy: Ow!!

[Nagasaki Prefecture]

(junior high 2nd years)]

Staff: Do you catch bugs?
Boy: My house is in the back of the mountains, so bugs will fly in even if I don't go out to catch them.
Staff: They fly in?
Boy: Yes.
Staff: Bugs fly into your house?
Boy: Yes.
Staff: Really? They fly into your home?
Boy: Yes.
Staff: Rhinoceros beetles?
Boy: Yes.
Staff: Really? Who has rhinoceros beetles flying into their houses?
Students: Me!

(high school 3rd year)]

Staff: Please tell us
Boy: Uh huh.
Staff: vacation spots in your area.
Boy: Blueberry pickings, I guess. They're very sweet.
Staff: They're sweet?
Boy: Yes. They'll make you wonder if the world can possibly have anything this sweet.

(junior high school 3rd year)]

Staff: What vacation spots might you have in this area?
Boy: The ocean is pretty, so I'd go to the sea.
Staff: The ocean?
Boy: Yes.
Staff: What is there to see in the ocean?
Boy: Dolphins, and...

Sakamoto: What!?
All: We can't hear a thing!

Staff: I see!

Nagano: What do you see!?

[Oita Prefecture]

(junior high 3rd years)]

Narrator: Do you have a certain way of spending your summer vacation?
Boy: We swim!
Narrator: Where do you swim?
Boy: Ryumon Waterfall. We slide or jump down the waterfall.
Narrator: Do you think V6 can slide down the waterfall, too?
Boy: I don't think they can do it.
Boy: They can! They can do it! Speaking of which, TOKIO visited that spot, didn't they?
Boys: Yes, they did, they did.
Boy: Did they?
Boy: Yeah they did.
Boy: TOKIO managed to slide down the waterfall.
Staff: TOKIO made it down?
Inocchi: (background) And we can't?
Boy: Yeah, they did.
Staff: But V6 can't do it?
Boy: Probably.

[Miyazaki Prefecture]

(high school 1st years)]

Staff: Can you recommend any summer spots in Miyazaki?
Girl: Cold soup.
Girl: Cold soup.
Girl: The warm version is tasty.
Staff: Is it really delicious?
Girl: Yes! The one my grandma makes is really good!
Girl: It'll taste bad if you made it!

Staff: Hello!
Grandma: Oh my, hello!
Staff: Nice to meet you!
Grandma: Thank you for your hard work.

Sakamoto: What TV show is this?

Staff: Sorry for the trouble! I'll have taste!

Staff: It's tasty. It's so good you can finish it very quickly.
Girl: Yes.
Inocchi: No one cares!
Grandma: Please drop by again.
Staff: Okay!
Grandma: Give my regards to your mother.

Narrator: And, in the height of the Okinawan summer...

Staff: Hello!
Shachihoko: Hi.

[Shachihoko-kun (high school 2nd year)]

Staff: What's up today?
Shachi: I'm almost done with my acrobatic act, so I wanted to show it to you.
Staff: And what is this new act called, by the way?
Shachi: Jumping Whole. (*note: He pronounced "whale" wrongly in Japanese.)
Staff: Please show us the technique.
Inocchi: You gotta be kidding me!
Sakamoto: Wait a minute!
Shachi: Huh? This is strange... 5mm more!
Staff: Another 5mm?
Nagano: What does that mean?

[He can't overcome the 5mm wall...]

[He tries to visualize the Jumping Whale many times in his head...]

Inocchi: They're showing us his persistence.
Miyake: What an athletic!

[And finally...]

Sakamoto: Did he pull it off?

Shachi: It's... not working today.
All: Whaaat!?
Shachi: If I practise for one week...

Narrator: Will Shachihoko-kun overcome that 5mm wall?

Inocchi: Seriously, that kid...
Okada: I want to go to the Jumping Whale!
All: What!?
Inocchi: I don't care about the Jumping Whale, but I do want to go to Okinawa.
Morita: Me too, that's my reason too.
Inocchi: Guys, the thing that TOKIO pulled off...
Nagano: That one. I saw that on TV!

[Curious (Saka) (Ino) (Naga) (Mi) (Oka)]

Sakamoto: Even though TOKIO did it, they said V6 can't!
Nagano: What's that supposed to mean?
Inocchi: We're the ones who actually move, you know!
Nagano: Yeah.
Inocchi: All they do is play instruments!

Narrator: After further discussion, the summer vacation spots V6 chose are...
Narrator: Oita Prefecture Kusu District's Ryumon Waterfall.
Narrator: Kumamoto Prefecture Amakusa City's Dolphin Watching.
Narrator: And, Kagoshima Prefecture Aira District's Blueberry Pickings.
Narrator: Their final stop is Okinawa Prefecture's Jumping Whale.
Narrator: We would like them to fully enjoy these four amazing summer vacation spots, but in order to deepen the bonds between the six members, we have one more terrific present!

Statues: Hang on. Catch!

Nagano: What's that?
Sakamoto: What is this?
Statue: This time, we want you guys to drive to the destinations on your own!
Sakamoto: Excuse me?
Statue: Listen! Right now!
Inocchi: Yes!
Statue: We have!
Inocchi: Yes!
Statue: A live video feed of the car!
Inocchi: (overlap) It's right in front of us!
Statue: Go!
Nagano: Isn't it faster for us to just go to the car?
All: What?
Inocchi: We saw that on the way into the shop!

[Dodge Ram (made in 1989)
Total horse-power: 5,300CC
Engine: V8 engine]

Narrator: That's right. Their method of transport for this trip is by car! In other words, V6 has to drive on their own to the far prefecture of Oita, 102km away. Then they must move to Kumamoto Prefecture's Asakusa City, 233km away. And, it's off to Kagoshima Prefecture, which is 208km away. After that, they take a 25km drive back to the airport and fly to Okinawa. Finally, they have to drive 13km to Tropical Beach from Naha Airport. The distance they will travel on this Kyushu trip adds up to a grand total of 1,339km!
Narrator: Moreover! In order to give V6 more opportunities to interact with students, there is but one rule!

Statue: The money we're giving you will only cover travel expenses.
Morita: Thank you very much!
Inocchi: What the hell are you saying?
Nagano: You're not supposed to thank them for that.
Statue: If you get thirsty or hungry on your trip, you may only ask students for food and drinks!

[V6 Summer Vacation Rule
Get food, drinks and lodging from students only!]

All: What?
Okada: You're asking us to depend on STUDENTS?
Statue: Anyway, just try your best, guys!
Okada: Okay, guys, let's go!
Inocchi: What's with you?
Okada: Let's do this!
All: All right!
Inocchi: Maybe this is our turning point!
Morita: ALL RIGHT~!!
Nagano: Whoa, what a surprise!
Inocchi: Morita's initiating today!
Okada: It's been a while since we've gone on a trip as a group, hasn't it?
All: Yes!
Morita: We're doing this to make fond memories!
Inocchi: Okay, let's go!
Nagano: Let's conquer Kyushu!!

Statue: So V6's summer vacation will now begin!
All: Yay!

[Map of Kyushu]

Statue: Please depart immediately!
Okada: We're off.
Sakamoto: Take these stuff, you guys!
Nagano: It's hot.
Okada: It's hot...
Statue: Please watch your health!
Nagano: We're off!
Statue: Okay!
Sakamoto: Wait, this means I'm driving, doesn't it?

Narrator: V6's summer vacation has finally begun. And in that tale...

Morita: They're here! They're here!! Over here!!!
Morita: It's so high!!
Morita: He ate a whole mouthful!
Miyake: Come on! This isn't VVV6!!
Inocchi: You've gotten beautiful~
Okada: It's sour!

Narrator: ...are summer memories that they will never forget even if they tried.
Narrator: Let's go to Kyushu!
Narrator: V6's summer vacation.

Nagano: Where should we start? The closest one is...
Inocchi: Yeah?
Nagano: The waterfall slide.
Inocchi: We leave it to you.
Nagano: We're off!
Sakamoto: This is heavy! This wheel is really heavy!
Inocchi: That makes me nervous!
Nagano: Ah, this is scary, this is scary! Is this car going to be okay?
Inocchi: It'll be fine once it starts moving. See?

Narrator: Although they're filled with some anxiety, they've begun their 102km drive to Ryumon Waterfall.

[Many incidents occur on their scenic Kyushu trip!]

Nagano: Ah, this is scary, this is scary! Is this car going to be okay?
Inocchi: It'll be fine once it starts moving. See?

Narrator: Although they're filled with some anxiety, they've begun their 102km drive to Ryumon Waterfall.

Sakamoto: Let's do rock paper scissors to choose the next driver at each stop.
Nagano: What?
Miyake: Huh? Isn't that the leader's job?
Sakamoto: (overlap) Don't give me "what"!
Nagano: You already look like a professional chauffeur.

[Professional chauffeur?]

Sakamoto: No I don't, moron!
Nagano: They really gave us just enough money for the car!
Inocchi: How much?
Nagano: See? This much.

[They only have enough money for gas and highway toll booths]

Inocchi: Wow, you're right.
Nagano: They weren't joking.
Miyake: Let's secretly use the travel money!
Nagano: We'll use the money and cheat our way through.

[What evil plans!]

Miyake: That sounds great! We don't have to do much, then.

Nagano: Hey, everyone! Is that Yahoo Dome?
Inocchi: Really?
Nagano: It's Yahoo Dome on the right!
Okada: This is great, Nagano-kun, you're a good navigator.
Nagano: Fukuoka Dome...
Inocchi: Nagano-kun, why don't you be the navigator for the whole trip?

[The front seats have been fixed?]

Nagano: I'll do it if I never have to drive.
Inocchi: What?
Nagano: I'll do it if I never have to drive.
Sakamoto: You like to drive, though!

Sakamoto: Is that correct?
Nagano: Yeah, it is, it is.
Sakamoto: Do I keep going straight?
Nagano: Go on Route 2.
Sakamoto: What?
Nagano: Keep going on Route 2.
Sakamoto: Which one was Route 2 again? Right or left? I didn't catch it.
Nagano: Ah, it's over here.
Sakamoto: This one?
Nagano: Yeah.
Inocchi: Shut up!
Miyake: He's giving directions!
Sakamoto: He's giving directions!

Sakamoto: How long will this take...
Inocchi: We are the world (*note: "We are the world" by Michael Jackson)
Inocchi: We are the children


Inocchi: We are the world
Inocchi: S*@#X#*$&
Sakamoto: You don't know the lyrics, do you!
Inocchi: (WJ:DFK(%$*

[Playing two roles on his own]

Inocchi: You guys may laugh now... but we'll all end up singing this song at our final destination!

Bokutachi wa otoko no ko
We are men (*note: "Otoko no ko, onna no ko" by Go Hiromi)

[On a roll!]

Kimitachi wa onna no ko
You are women

Miyake: Go go
Inocchi: Hey hey hey
Miyake: Go go go
Inocchi: Hey hey hey


Miyake: Beh beh... you actually said, "Beh beh beh!"
Morita: God, it's hot! It's really hot!
Miyake: It's really hot in the back!
Morita: What the hell! Is it open somewhere?
Nagano: It's squealing a lot over here.
Miyake: Did you close the top?
Nagano: It's really squealing here.
Sakamoto: It's at the max.
Nagano: You're right.
Miyake: It's really cool here!
Nagano: The front is cold.
Morita: (overlap) Only the front is cooling, only the front.
Miyake: It's only the front! Only the front's super cool!
Sakamoto: Well we don't know how to operate the A/C in the back!
Nagano: Come to the front, Ken.
Miyake: I don't want to! I can't give directions anyway!

Aenai jikan ga
When we can't meet up


ai sodateru no sa
we're nurturing our love

Me wo tsubureba kimi ga iru-fuu
When I close my eyes you're there

(*note: "Yoroshiku Aishuu" by Go Hiromi)

Miyake: He said, "-ru-fuu"!
Marina: That's awful!

Tomodachi to koibito no-fuu
Beween friends and lovers

Inocchi: I can't do this, it's too hot! Too hot!

Narrator: Inohara's passionate mini concert ends under the summer heat.
Narrator: After a 30-minute drive...

Sakamoto: It's a toll booth. Navigator. Navigator!
Nagano: Don't call me Navigator!
Inocchi: He got mad.
Morita: He got mad. That was quick.
Inocchi: Go through the ETC by mistake! We need one or two mistakes where we have to reverse out of the lanes. (*note: ETC is the Express Lane for fast-pass holders.)
Sakamoto: You're terrible.

Nagano: Left, left.
Sakamoto: You take it.
Nagano: You should take it on the left! It's right over there!
Sakamoto: YOU take it!
Nagano: It's far away! It's so far!
Sakamoto: I don't care!
Nagano: I have to remove my seat belt to get it!

[Pay attention to the CCD camera!]

All: Did you get a picture? Did you?
Inocchi: You hit the CCD--
Okada: [runs back to seat]

[Skilled seating technique!]

Morita: That was so fast!

Sakamoto: Which way should I go?
Nagano: Towards Oita.
Sakamoto: Really?
Nagano: Probably.

[Gave up on his navigation task]

Sakamoto: Don't give me that!
Morita: Navigator!
Sakamoto: (overlap) Don't tell me "probably"!
Inocchi: Do you know why you were born?
Nagano: No, I don't.
Morita: You were born to be a navigator!!
Nagano: Don't call me Navigator!
Sakamoto: Hurry up and check!!
Nagano: I'm telling you, it's Oita!

Inocchi: This is great! It's full of nature.
Sakamoto: It's awesome.
Okada: Let's go to a place with lots of nature.
Inocchi: That's where we're headed.

[That's our objective for this shoot]

Okada: Let's do something.
Inocchi: What do you want to do?
Inocchi: Uh... First we start with Ino then we get the rhythm...
Nagano: That brings back memories!
Sakamoto: In the first place, we've never done anything like this as a group before.
Nagano: We haven't.
Miyake: Yeah.

Inocchi: Okay, everyone! Shall we sing a V6 medley?
Nagano: A medley?
Sakamoto: A medley?
Inocchi: [sings]
Sakamoto: You're starting from the intro!?
Inocchi: [sings]
Nagano: The song ended!
Sakamoto: Go to the next song, the next song.
Inocchi: [sings]
Miyake: Well it's a medley.
Inocchi: [sings]
Morita: You're thinking of the next song, aren't you?
Miyake: You really forced that song in!
Inocchi: What's the next one?
Sakamoto: "Ai Nanda". It's "Ai Nanda".
Inocchi: Wa~i nanda!
Miyake: Isn't that Nagano-kun's part?
Sakamoto: It came out as "Wa~i nanda"!

[One hour later]

[Fast asleep]

Inocchi: Leader.
Sakamoto: Yeah?
Inocchi: This guy's asleep.
Sakamoto: Who?

[He's talking about you!]

Inocchi: Stop fooling around!

Narrator: After they exited the highway and traveled down the road for 15 minutes...

Nagano: There it is!

Narrator: They've finally arrived at their first stop, Ryumon Waterfall.

Nagano: We're here!
Sakamoto: We've arrived!
Staff: Okay, guys, let's have you change into swimming trunks first.

Inocchi: Wow, it's pretty.
Inocchi: Whoa! It looks fun!
Nagano: It's long! And huge!
Okada: Is that where we slide down?
Nagano: Ah! He's going down!

Narrator: The six members head straight to the sliding point.

Inocchi: Are you guys students? Are you?
Students: Yes!
Nagano: This is where you jump down?
Miyake: Jump in! From the highest point!

Narrator: First, students native to the area show them how to jump in.
Student: Here I go!
Nagano: You're jumping?
V6: Whoa!
Sakamoto: I don't want to do this!!
Miyake: Let's try going to the top first.
Nagano: That's scary!

Narrator: But for Miyake...

Miyake: I'm off, guys!
Inocchi: Go, go.
Miyake: I'm jumping.
Inocchi: How is it?
Miyake: Feels great!

Narrator: After hearing that, Inohara too...

Inocchi: Here I go. Woo!

Narrator: He leaps in without any hesitation. And after that, Okada as well...

Okada: Hey!

Narrator: The V6 members leap down without any fear whatsoever. However...

Morita: Aaugh!

[Three of them dove in from this height]

Morita: Wait! This is high! This is really scary! Really scary!!
Sakamoto: Don't look down!
Morita: All right. All right!

[What should we do...]

Morita: Woohoo!!


Miyake: Hurry up and get down here!
Sakamoto: This is totally impossible!
Nagano: Will you jump if I jump?
Sakamoto: We don't have to do it! Why are you even considering the idea!?
Four V6: Hurry up and jump!
Sakamoto: Let's do the sliding like we're supposed to! We came for the sliding, after all.
Nagano: That's right. We didn't come to leap off high places.
Sakamoto: Let's go right to the waterfall.

Narrator: That's the excuse they made up for themselves, but...

Inocchi: Let's go!
Nagano: You can do it!

[They end up waiting anyway!]

Nagano: Give us a demonstration first! A demonstration!

Narrator: Inohara is the first to take on the waterfall slide. The water actually flows at incredible speeds!

Narrator: Inohara is the first to take on the waterfall slide.



Narrator: Okada is the next to go!
Nagano: Be careful! He's off!
Miyake: Ooh!
Narrator: Then Morita!
Nagano: He fell off!

[Monk in training?]

Narrator: And off goes Miyake!

Narrator: While the others are carving memorable moments in their hearts, the two oldest members in the group are...!


[What should we do...]

[30 minutes later...]

Audience: Whaaat!?
Marina: (overlap) No way...
Sakamoto: Man... the waterfall felt great.
Nagano: It was cooling, huh?
Sakamoto: Yeah.
Inocchi: You gotta be kidding me!
Sakamoto: About what?
Inocchi: You guys couldn't do a thing!

[They couldn't do the slide in the end...]

Miyake: Exactly!
Inocchi: You're like school drop-outs!
Nagano: We went all the way to the waterfall.
Miyake: Drop-outs!
Inocchi: We were working our butts off!
Miyake: That's right!
Nagano: You looked like you were having fun!

Nagano: Exercise sure works up an appetite, huh?
Morita: Oh come on!
Miyake: You didn't exercise at all!
Inocchi: We're the ones who are starving here!
Miyake: Totally!
Nagano: We're all hungry, aren't we?
Inocchi: Is there a school in this area?
Nagano: Let's find some students.
Inocchi: Find a student, Navigator!
Nagano: Forget students, there isn't a single person around! There aren't any students... ah, look! I can see a city on the right. There should be students over there, right?

Narrator: When they follow their brilliant navigator's instructions and head to the city...

Inocchi: I don't see students...
Nagano: Ah, is this a school?
Miyake: Is it?
Nagano: It is! On your right! They're playing baseball!
Morita: (overlap) It's a school!
Sakamoto: Let's ask them.
Nagano: Shall we stop here?

Inocchi: I'm thirsty~
Nagano: I'm thirsty too! They're playing softball.
Morita: I want to play softball!
Nagano: It's an elementary school.
Inocchi: Hey, guys! If we made our request together, maybe we'll get something, right? Right? If all six of us asked together--
Sakamoto: Hey! Excuse me! Wrong guy, wrong guy! Don't get him involved! That's not me! That's not me!
Nagano: It's Sakamoto!

Morita: What's your name?
Girl: ...
Morita: What grade are you in?
Girl: ...
Inocchi: What have you got behind you?
Miyake: It's tea, isn't it?
Inocchi: A water bottle?
Miyake: Looks like a water bottle.

Miyake: Can you give it to us for a second? Please?
Morita: Can we take a look?
Morita: You're really cute! Let us have a look.
Miyake: Let us have a small peek.
Inocchi: This guy's going to make a weird face. Watch him, okay? Here he goes.
Sakamoto: She didn't laugh at all!

Inocchi: You know, with this many sitting ducks...
Miyake: Don't call them sitting ducks!
Inocchi: (overlap) We should try our luck with them!
Nagano: All we need is some water...
Inocchi: Water would be great!
Nagano: We need water, don't we?
V6: Go go go!!
Sakamoto: Don't worry about it!
Morita: We should check if they have water bottles.
Inocchi: We should.

Miyake: There they are, there they are!
Nagano: There are the water bottles.
Okada: They've got water bottles.
Morita: Whoa, they have tons! It's a mountain of treasure!

Narrator: After locating the water bottles, the six members decide...

Inocchi: You're doing it wrong, all wrong!
Sakamoto: Time out, time out! Gather over here, everyone! Gather, please!
Inocchi: Let's discuss strategy, let's discuss strategy!
Okada: Oh, they're coming over!
Nagano: They're all coming!
Sakamoto: Hello!
Children: Hello!
Sakamoto: Excellent!

Sakamoto: Do you know who we are?
Girl: Nope...
Sakamoto: Hey, Carp Cap!! (*note: The girl is wearing a hat bearing the symbol of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp baseball team.)
Inocchi: Our coach thinks that your batting skills are not up to par.
Sakamoto: Yep.
Inocchi: That's why he wants to give you batting lessons.

[Half in doubt]

Inocchi: Get it?

Narrator: Let's explain the situation to these suspicious kids! Actually, Leader Sakamoto is a great athlete with baseball skills that rank him as one of the top players within the Johnny's!
Inocchi: If your skills improve, maybe you could offer us a drink! Right?
Sakamoto: A drink of gratitude, right?
Nagano: That's how it should go.
Sakamoto: Who brought their water bottles today?
V6: [claps]
Sakamoto: That's great, lots of people have them!
Miyake: Good, good!
Inocchi: What about lunch boxes?
Sakamoto: Who brought their lunch boxes?
Morita: Who brought their lunch boxes? Lunch boxes, anyone?
Children: ...
Inocchi: What the hell...
Sakamoto: Don't say that!
Inocchi: No one brought lunch?
Sakamoto: You're horrible!

Inocchi: Okay, everyone! Get to your positions! To your positions.

Narrator: Thus begins Sakamoto's baseball lesson!

Sakamoto: Go!
Nagano: That was close! That was close!
Nagano: Go tell her what she needs to do.
Inocchi: Swing with all your strength!
Sakamoto: Listen up, okay? Swing from here. Start here. Then go diagonally.
Inocchi: Leader, why don't you take a swing first?
Sakamoto: What?
Inocchi: You take a swing, Leader!
Sakamoto: Okay, watch me!
Miyake: Give us a demonstration!
Inocchi: Hey guys! He's going to show you the right way to bat!
Nagano: If it's a fly ball, make sure you catch it!
Inocchi: If you can't catch it, you owe us tea! Tea, okay?

Children: We're ready!
Inocchi: Nice batting!
Nagano: You're so immature! That's so immature! Look, they have to run all the way into the outfield!
Miyake: So cute! So cute!!

[Baseball involving the whole team]

Nagano: They're running all the way into the outfield! They're so cute!
Miyake: They're really cute!
Nagano: You can make it! Back to home base! Back to home base! Back to home base!
Miyake: You can make it!
Inocchi: Let's go to Leader, guys! Let's go to Leader!
Nagano: Back to home base!
V6: Yay!!
Nagano: Tea, tea!

Narrator: For the sake of a drink of tea, Sakamoto hit an immature home run. And their prize is...?

Nagano: Oh, may I? Thank you, thank you! I got tea! I got tea!
Morita: Cool! Thank you!
Inocchi: Thank you!
Okada: Thank you!
Inocchi: Thank you. Is it okay for us to get tea?
Morita: Delicious!
Sakamoto: I haven't gotten anything...

[He's the one who hit the home run...]

Miyake: Ah, barley tea is awesome.
Inocchi: Barley tea is great, huh?
Sakamoto: This is mine? Thank you!
Morita: You're giving us seconds?
Nagano: So good...
Inocchi: Tea tastes best after a game of softball, doesn't it?
Nagano: Delicious!

[You didn't do a thing.]

Inocchi: Thank you.
Nagano: Thank you. Thanks for the tea.

Narrator: The children treat V6 with warm hospitality despite their sudden appearance. In exchange, Morita said...

Morita: Shall we head back now?
Inocchi: You're ready to go just because you've had your tea?
Miyake: You should try to interact with them!
Morita: We're done here, right? Thanks, guys!
Nagano: Do your best, okay?
Morita: Nice guts!!
Nagano: Thanks, everyone.
V6: Bye bye. See you later.

Narrator: After replenishing their body with drinks, V6 bid farewell to the children.

vid: gakkou e ikou max, fandom: v6, !requests, !translations

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