Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mar 17, 2006 19:20

And now, for your amusement at the potential of university students to be stupid/confusing, May I proudly present you with...
Tales of Pre-testing a Questionaire in the Concourse!

*victim number 1*: a third-year student
us: What was your household income last year before taxes?
Respondent: Well I don't know what it was, because we just rent the basement. I don't know how much they make upstairs, want me to guess?

*victim number 2*
Us: What is your current year of study?
Respondent: I'm in fourth year.
Us: What program are you in?
Respondent: Social work.
Us: But, um, you're an under-grad student, right?
Respondent: Yes.
Us: Um, all right, you know that social work is only a graduate faculty at Laurier, right? Are you from U of W, perhaps?...

*Victim number 3* a fourth-year student
Us: What program are you in?
Respondent: Well in first year I was in business, then I failed calculus and switched to psych, then I failed stats in second year and switched to religion and culture, it was too weird so I've decided to take up the clarinet again and I'm auditioning for music this April.
Us: Ok, so are you in religion and culture, or music.
Respondent: I'm taking the semester off. I just come here to hang out with people.
Us *trying not to laugh*: Ok, um, the next question is, Describe your career aspirations.
Respondent: I want to be an archeologist and work in the pyramids.

*victim number 4* a third-year student
Us: Describe your career aspirations.
Respondent: I want to go to law school and be a criminal lawyer.
*later in the survey*
Us: What is your current GPA, based on your most recently available grades?
Respondent: Um, 3.5?
Us: Are you sure?
Respondent: I think so, that's an A, right?
Us: Well actually, no, at Laurier we're on the 12-point system. 3.5 is, oh, somewhere in the D range.

*victim number 5*
Us: Hello, we're testing our survey for a research project, can we ask you some questions about your experiences at university and what your plans for after graduation are?
Respondent: Um, uh, I don't go here, I go to high school in Bracebridge. But do you know which way the science building is?

I think that's good for now.
And with that, I'm off to enjoy my evening.

wellcome to prison laurier

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