Feeling quite overwhelmed these days. I'm getting way more emails (including LJ comment notifications) than I can keep up with, for some reason, so a lot of stuff is going unreplied for a while. I think it's mostly that when I get home from work I don't want to think anymore. But also, yeah, more emails.
Had my first voice lesson today! I'm very excited/happy. I need to either bring a notebook or a recorder, though, because otherwise I'm not going to remember much of what she says or what we do. Also, I have yet to discuss practicing with her - I don't think she's super-strict, but I do think she expects me to be singing during the week (which is reasonable). I'm thinking it'll definitely have to be on my days off, cause I'm pretty busy!
-Monday: Work, choir
-Tuesday: Tap, gym
-Wednesday: Work, ballet
-Thursday: Work, gym
-Friday: Voice lesson, work
-Saturday: Work
-Sunday: Church
All shifts are 8 hours. It will be super-awesome, but busy.
I watched Glee tonight, at least most of the episode. I take it this wasn't the pilot? Anyway,
I thought it was quirky and mildly interesting/entertaining. I had one big disappointment, though (not that I knew anything about the show or was expecting anything going in, since I watched it more or less by accident): for a show about singing, they pretty much couldn't have made the singing look any more fake. I get that it seems to be about characters and situations that are a little skewed past reality. I believe that the people singing are actually the actors. But it is the most obvious thing in the world that the singing was recorded in a studio and that they're lipsynching really unconvincingly. At one point, one of the girls even breathed in a totally different place than what I was hearing. I know I'm biased because I love choirs and I love acappella music - but I wish that the music had been a little less about showmanship & overproduction, and a little more real and tied in to the actors. I don't want it to sound perfect, I want it to sound like it's coming from the people who are singing on the screen.
The rest of the show was a bit "meh" for me. I hate the main guy's wife, but I take it I'm supposed to? I did like Emma with her OCD - and that guy who asked her out, even though it was really strange, I thought was one of the more real momentes of the episode. I feel like the show could maybe mature into something great. We'll see. (Or perhaps not, since I doubt I'll be able to watch it once ballet starts.)