Quick Update (cause it's laaaaaate)

Sep 10, 2009 01:28

Hey there, just popping in to say that work has been very busy times, and life is pretty good in general. I may or may not be PMS-ing (never have figured out if I do or not because my body is weird and does not keep to a schedule), since I started bawling today after not being able to find the right kind of soap at Costco. In the car, not in Costco. Bawling, that is. Also, things on ontd_startrek were making me wibble a lot, in an "Oh, everyone (in Star Trek) is so beautiful and awesome and I love them all and I had forgotten how awesome they were, aren't they beautiful *sob*" kind of way. That may have also been caused by the ~80g of dark chocolate I had just eaten.

Anyway, I have to work tomorrow and it's 1:30 am, because I am a dimwit who does not learn from her mistakes. I am in desperate need of a new mattress; fortunately I now work in a MATTRESS STORE, so I should be able to get on that soon. I mean I probably should have already but I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think I'll go in on Sunday when I'm not working and that way I can lie down on all the beds without feeling guilty.

There are so many lovely things online but I need to STOP LOOKING AT THEM AND GO TO BED.

star trek, work, everyday

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