Nov 11, 2004 09:05
wow, i havnt been here in a while.... lets see... um latly all i have been doing is hiding in my room- the interenet has been out for me, for huh??? 3 days...which is tough to imagine that i can survive in St. Augy without the internet. I have been studing on the two tests that i had, my sports managemnt i got a 88% which is a letter greade improvemnt, im finally leraning how to study for these test, ive been strumming the guitar in hope of learning how to play... and i made this video thing about my semeseter here at flagler with the pics that dani, abby, and kaily have sent me.... um... what else?? I went to the beach yesterday- even though it was pretty c`hilly and windy for the beach... ne ways ROCK ON!!! GO BRONCOS!!!