Oct 24, 2011 15:49
Wow its been soooooooooooo long since I have written anything here. mostly because theres not much to say. i know i have pulled away from damn near everyone, including my family. though i am working getting things in shape in the family department. i have a new niece that was born in late july and at the begining of the month i finally got to go see her.
i am at work and kowing i really need to leave this job.. but i need a new one to go to... i look around and this office is a mess and i am not feeling well today either. no energy to do anything .. i have managed to get the things i really needed to done and am working on leaveing early so that i maybe i can go home and crash.
i miss venting here thought that shouldnt be what this is about.
i know i should come back and writie things out..... it might help get things sorted in my head and then help get the rest of my life going straight.... but maybe not...
this past weekend was the halloween event at our park..... it went well enought but we had only half as many people show up as last year and we had planned on having more than last year so that was a bit of a let down... but everyone who came had a good time and it wasn't too overwhelming.... but it was a late night .... as i didn't leave the park until 10:15 and i am normally going to bed at that time... im such an old foggy now....
i also just finished a bunch of interpretive signs that will be going up in the wildscape garden.... they have been finished for a while now but there is some hangup with getting them ordered.... i didnt do them entierly by myself... the text was written by me and a gal from the wildlife department that offieces out of the park and helped get the grant money that will be used to pay for them, and all the other upgrades to the garden two years ago... (yes the signs are really late in coming)... and the design was put together by my interpretive specialist.... not that i couldnt have done it but i don't have access to that kind of software at work and would have been a little too much of my time i didnt have time to spend doing that part... they came out well and soon I should get some images I could post.
thats it in the recent accomplishments...
I was scheduled to take a wetland deliniation class at the end of last month but that got cancled... one of the guys who was giving it ended up having to have surgery... not good but everyone is ok just not well enough to do the class.... i was really kinda bummed...
trying to get things together for the holidays.... traveling and all that ... plus the birthdays between now and then .... it gets busy..
Icame back to lj to double check the recipie for green anne posted a couple years ago for me... i made them again for the halloween event... for the staff as part of dinner on site becuse the park closes when the event started so there was no time to go off site to eat between the event and so on .... people seemed to really like them .... so heres to you anne thanks for the recipie... well with one modification ... i dont use the bottled cherry peppers like you do i use fresh anaheim peppers... this time i used curly kale, some red swiss shard, collard greens, mustard greens, and a little spinach..... bought soo much in the way of greens i have to make another batch this week... i wonder if it will freeze
Hope everyone is doing well... if you are still here leave me a note and let me know how you are doing.... oh and have a great Halloween on Monday.