Nov 21, 2008 20:54
very good movie .... the first movie i think i have ever seen that i have said that i even wanted to go see it again in the theater ..... usually i dont see the point ... you know especially since there is such short turn around time until the thing comes out on video ....
so first the girl who plays bella...... so totally reminds me of one of my last roommates..... who i adored and in some ways i wish i could be more like .... but really they kinda look alike... dress alike ... some of the same mannerisms ..... or at least to me anyway
second ... i moved to the area where i completed high school in 8th grade so a bit younger than bellas character .... but its uncanny on how much who she is reminds me so much of how i wanted to be ... how i wanted to be seen .... and i was never that cool.... or that liked.... its also the differences between a small town the place were i moved to ......
and of course theres this killer romance to the whole thing .... i mean yeah i dont know what happens but who at some point doesnt want a love like that .... its sad to come back down and know its not real ...... that and i so wish i had hair like that
makes me want to read the books ... but i am in the midst of shadownmarch .... i still need to read confessor .... and of course theres brisingr too ..... so i need to get tangled in another series like i need a hole in the head....
theres a bunch of other things but atm im just anamored with twilight ......