Here is your horoscope
for Tuesday, July 22:
Your dream energy is strong right now and that means that you ought to be able to make serious progress on some ambition of yours. It might get a little crazy, but you can handle crazy!
Ok so this is totally spot on ... to cap on tinas loverly dream sequence a few days ago i have been having some seriously
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That one woke me up and scared me, so I checked my kitchen and then called and woke her up so she'd check hers. Luckily, the dream was just a dream and not a warning, although we'll both be watching the burners and stoves for a while.
I go back to sleep and the dreams are just as stupid and unsettling. I'm sure that if I ask my friend Kelly, she'll tell me what planets have lined up to cause this somnambulist terror.
As for the work thing, yeah, that sucks. I went through that with Barbara when I was working the last job. She didn't do half of what she was supposed to do and what little she did was crap. But of course, she got praised constantly. She even stole my freaking design for the lobby area and told everyone it was hers because she knew I wouldn't say anything. They're so blind there that they would rather continue to have people leave the front desk jobs because of her than to let her go, which is what I did.
Do your best to create other avenues for you and document what you're doing as best you can by cc'ing other people on it when you send an email so people know you're the one working on things. Offer to give a presentation, even if you're terrified, if it will showcase what you're doing and how you're doing it. And then when you've got this stuff that you can document on a resume, start shopping around for another position where the politics aren't as bad.
I know, long comment, but we don't get to catch up often :)
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