I think I've decided that in the SCAUverse when Jill eventually marries Eustace, she keeps her own last name. At first I was thinking that it might be too progressive for the times, but then
accidentalsquid reminded me that this is Narnia, not Britain. Plus, this is Jill we're talking about, who I've always viewed as having a pretty strong-willed personality.
"Jill Scrubb? That sounds rubbish."
"Scrubb is a perfectly respectable name!"
"Not for me, it's not."
"Well, if that's how you feel -"
"Oh, don't be daft, Eustace. I didn't mean you. You're exactly the one for me. It's just the name... it won't do."
"I'll admit that if faced with a choice I would not have chosen Scrubb as my last name but -"
"Well, I do have a choice. And besides - you'd call me Pole, anyway."
... It's only years after the decision that Eustace admits rather sheepishly that he never really did feel that "Scrubb" was a very respectable name.
*conversation co-written with