So erasureathon happened, which means I wrote (or, well, formed? created?) an erasure based on someone else's fic, and someone else made one for me. (and pssst, it is perfect.)
First, the one I wrote:
Title: The Kingdom That Was Once Hers
Original text(s) erased:
I Know The Voices DyingErased by:
wingedflight21Original text by:
katakokkFandom (of original text): Chronicles of Narnia
Fandom (of erasure): n/a
(You can read it at the erasureathon community) And second, the one written for me by the amaaaazing
Title: Fantasies
Original Text(s) Erased:
FantasiesErased By:
metonomiaOriginal Text By:
wingedflight21Fandom (of original text): Narnia
Fandom (of erasure): N/A
(You can read it on her lj) But seriously, if you don't read anything else go read meto's because it is gorgeous and perfect and captures the feelings of the fic perfectly. (Aka, I am SO HAPPY.)