Dec 17, 2008 15:17
Year in Review Meme (stolen from Tracy):
01. Where did you begin 2008?
You know I don't know. I think we stayed in. We were invited to Audrey's but we were tired out from the holidays because we had gone to New Hampshire around Christmas so we stayed home and did nothing.
02. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Went to California, Bought a house, Became an aunt!
03. What was your status by Valentine’s Day?
Married and lovin' it :D :D :D
04. Were you in school (anytime this year)?
05. How did you earn your money?
Software engineering-ing
06. Did you have to go to the hospital?
Only once to see my sista who had had a baby :D
07. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Hehe well one of them did almost kick our door in. But I was asleep at the time so I don't exactly call that an encounter ;)
08. Where did you go on holidays?
Ugh...I don't know...
Valentine's Day we were here and I think we went out to dinner or something. That's what we usually do.
Easter we were on our way home from New Hampshire after celebrating Nate's grandmother's 90th birthday
Fourth of July we were hanging out with Jen & Mike golfing and then we went to the fireworks in Chili
Halloween we were in our new house and my sister & husband came over to give out candy with us
Thanksgiving was at my parent's house
Christmas we'll be at my parent's house again but we'll be here for Christmas eve
09. What did you purchase that was over $1000?
A new mac :D And um...a house ;)
10. Did you know anybody who got married?
Yup. Nate's cousin, Nate's brother, Jen & Mike, Steve & Megan, and Matt & Danielle
11. Did you know anyone that passed away?
No thankfully - last year was hard enough
12. Did you know anyone who had a baby?
Yes Susie :D
13. Did you move?
14. What concerts/shows did you go to?
We went to see the browns play the steelers in Cleveland
15. Are you registered to vote?
16. Where do you live now?
Chili, NY
17. Describe your birthday.
We went to Bazil and I got the funnel cake and they put a sparkler in it! It was cool :D
18. What’s one thing you thought you’d never do, but did in 2008?
I flew alone.
I spoke in front of about 50 to 100 people at a conference for work.
And then I ate almost an entire burger from the cheesecake factory in celebration of that :P And it was gooooood :D
19. What has been your favorite moment?
Seeing our house for the first time (and holding my new niece)
20. What’s something you learned about yourself?
I like to host parties.
21. Any new additions to your family?
Yup :) Tiffany (my new sister-in-law) and Lauren (my niece) and soon Molly (Robert & Tiffany's little baby)...
22 What was your best month?
March - Florida was pretty awesome :D
23. What was your worst month?
Because I have to pick one I'd say September - because we had to deal with all of the stress of getting a house...and it seemed to take forever...
24. What music will you remember 2008 by?
I don't really catalog my years with music - I have enough trouble separating them and remember what happened which year :P
25. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Nate :) We sure can pound the water down when we want to ;)
26. Made new friends?
27. Lost Friends?
Not really but I have lost touch with some folks through no fault of my own :/
28. Favorite Night out?
Last night was pretty fun hanging out with Becky & Tracy at RIT and reminiscing :)
Also the night I hung out with Corinne and we got hibachi and became book buddies! No soup for you!
Or when I hung out with Beth and we got Mexican and went shopping! Popsicles! ;)
29. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Definitely happier
ii. thinner or fatter? Probably fatter as usual :P
iii. richer or poorer? Poorer but richer in things other than money
30. What date(s) from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
3/16 - 3/22 - Trip to Florida
4/5 - Jen's bridal shower/bachelorette party
4/22 - 4/25 - User's Conference in California
5/16 - Nate's thesis defense
5/10 - Best rummage sales ever with my mom, my aunt, and my mom-in-law
6/28 - Nate's grad party
7/18&7/19 - Celebrated anniversary at cabin in the woods
8/10 - My niece was born!
9/14 - Trip to Cleveland to see the game (froze to death)
10/4 - Day we moved in!
12/13 - Our Christmas party :D